A/N: Update And A Idea On Editing

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(Yes, I'm working on chapter 19 don't worry, ok? Ok.)

Small update to my disappearance on writing if anyone was curious about that, so first off, I'm not dead, just busy with life, and such. I've had summer school and I'm going to Europe next week, enrolling in colleges, and learning to drive so yeah, I've been busy needless to say.

I've also had an idea on being an editor for sale due to how many comments I've gotten on my writing skills:

Worried about your writing not turning out perfectly?

Don't want to spend too much time on trying to lengthen out your chapters and make it sound better?

Or simply just stuck on ideas to continue your story?

Not to fear! Teabottle is here!

I was thinking I could edit chapters and write chapters for people with story ideas that still aren't confident on their own writing. 2.50$ for each chapter written/edited depending on how lengthy you want it to be, and get your first chapter for free!

I'd like to hear feedback on this, so I'm open to criticism and for anyone wanting to do this (Private message me then)

Stay cool everyone! And happy summer vacation!

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