Chapter 6: Nevermore

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(Slowly running out of jazz songs)

After finishing the sandwiches through some small not so small talk, I grew to learn more of his side of what had happened these years. Thinking back to comparing the times, they truly were completely different people back then to what they are now. As if we had all stepped into a different reality.

Pap used to be childish, have little knowledge on common sense and didn't really want to know. He's grown up vastly; like he gotten a slap to the face of what reality really is like. It made me feel sorrow for him. It creates the odd mixture of feelings; of bitter sweet almost. Empathy that they probably have gone through bad times, yet glad that they have learned more and grown a bit more wise through the time apart.

I'm almost glad that my fate brought me back to them. That the person I had feared all these days at least got one thing right in a way. The monster that's been tormenting me has given me one bit of hope. A tapping on the floor echoed down the hallway, through the doors of the dining room. Speak of the devil, The steps that only a demon like him could conjure, to sound so strikingly similar to a crow tip tapping on a window, answering nothing but "nevermore ".

When the sound of the door opened, my eyes instead focused on the blank wall in front of me. I would have rather stared directly into the sun rather than making eye contact with him. The sounds of the tapping grew closer... And closer.. Yet not a single other sound was made besides the tapping. Papyrus's mouth had been sealed shut like he had sewn it himself just by the sound, drawing closer to me like a snake's hiss, warning me for a venomy death.

He seemed more pissed off than the last time I saw him. My blood had grown thick and stiff like it had been infected. His eyes instead flicked over to Papyrus, his demeanor grew more suspicious than angry "And what have you two been doin'?" He questions, casually taking a seat between me and Papyrus, as if separating us apart.

"Just Had Some Lunch" he explains to his brother. "Aren't you supposed to be doin' your work? " Sans asks, thinking of a way to keep him busy "I Already Got Done With Work"
"Practiced your aim and trained up some of the guards?"
"Yes "
"Prepped the food?"
"All Ready To Go"
"Dispose of rotting corpses?"
".... Of Course"
Something felt like coming up my throat at the mention of rotting corpses, yet I swallowed the burning feeling down for the sake of simply being polite.

Sans sighs being stuck in a corner, but in the end I can tell that he trusts his brother well enough to keep off. "Surprised you ain't out there with the guards " he jokes to him. It's true though, without him joining in on the fun with the rest of them, it's only a unfinished picture. "Snow Gets A Pinch Boring After A While Of Being Stuck In A Cave Full Of It, Don't You Think So Sans?" He questions slyly, looking at him calmly, Sans gets out a small chuckle in return from his remark, nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, but it still reminds me a home. " he sighs, looking out at the soft blankety hills of snow nostalgically.

He gets up, sighing "Well" he straightens up his waist coat "time to head back to work" he shrugs off, leaving the dining room. Yet honestly though, I assume that's just his way of saying 'I have nothing more to really say so I'll just try leaving here as non awkwardly as possible .' something more respectable than simply leaving without a word, or jumping out of a window.

A/N time yo:
Me: ok I've got a weekend ahead of me, let's go get some writing done
Me to me a day later: we wasted out entire weekend on pirates
Me: Arrrrg it was worth it tho
Me to me: no. No it wasn't. And why is our entire photos filled with pictures of bob Ross
Me: he's an inspiration
Me to me: we don't even draw landscapes
Me: maybe one day we will
Me to me: you know we can only make lolly pop trees
Me: yea, but that's the magic in learning
Me to me: why do I still talk to you
Me: because we are one
Me to me: don't you dare

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