Chapter 23: Affairs To Keep At Bay

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( Thanks for getting this book up to 1K votes guys! If you're curious as to why this book has been getting so many daily updates, I'm determined to finish this book once and for all, and that's that)

Holding onto his back tightly, I didn't want to let go of him and lose this fleeting comfort, something that I've been starved of for so long. "I-I'm sorry"  I stuttered out every word, "It's Alright, I Understand Why..." he spoke softly, holding me all the closer. "T-thanks" I coughed lightly, thankful for his attempt to try and help me escape this living hell. He pulled back from me slightly as he leant his head up to mine, my eyes looked back to his "I'd Do Anything For You" he started, starring into my eyes deeply "Just Ask" he smiled softly, as his cheeks bones started to gain heat, giving a red like hue to them. I couldn't help but pathetically attempt a small smile back to him.

Then suprise shook me as he went in closer to me and pressed his teeth against my lips gently, I pulled back lightly in pure reflect. His eyes widened as his face began to lower in embarrassment of his actions "S-sorry" he muttered awkwardly, pulling farther back, his arms began to untangle around me, bringing me back to the coldness that I had grown used to, yet had grown to loathe through these months.  Propelling myself forward towards him, I forced him back onto the cold carpet in my bedroom, as I messily laid on top of him and forced him back into another kiss. Even though he didn't have lips, he still seemed to consent to my efforts and kiss back, calming my rattled nerves some more.

After a couple of loving moments, I pulled back and stared down at my hostage, his cheek were hued even more brightly somehow, and he seemed at loss for words as he was laid underneath me.  Moving off him, I granted him permission to sit up, once he did, he just stared at me.... Afraid that I might have done something wrong to offend him, worry began to contaminate my mind. Before I could ask, we both heard a familiar sound of tapping of shoes agianst the polished wood outside the door. Papyrus' head perked up, and he knew he had little time to hide or abscond from the scene, thus, he dove underneath the bed as I stampeded up to my feet as the door swung open abruptly.

The demon loomed in the doorway, his eyes pinned on me, like I was some insect to frame on a wall. "Listen, ______..... I'm gonna go straight to the point as to why I came here, this was supposed to happen around this time anyways, and I don't want you running away from me again.... I don't want to lose you." trembling lightly, I waited for my foretold punishment, my eyes focusing more on my feet instead of his eyes. He reached out and stole my hand, as he knelt down beside me. Staring down at him, I cursed to myself when I noticed that he plucked a box from his pocket. "Would.... will you marry me?" he spoke in the warmest voice he could muster

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