Chapter 26: This Sickly Play

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[Ash, here and if you can't tell already I'm the one thats been writing the chapters lately with editing from tea again. I am never ever,  writting lemon again personally I enjoy fluf all the way so rip, anyways I'll be finishing this book so enjoy]

After our eventful night of lust, the next month passed by like a breeze, sans was always too busy with wedding planning to pay me much mind, so every so often, I could sneak a kiss or a hug from my source of comfort to calm me down and make me forget about my cursed fate. Sometimes we'd even get the time to just talk about our problems to each other, I'd confess to my habits, and rituals, as I felt as if some of the weight on my back would be lifted, just by letting him hearing my issues.  It felt like I didn't need to be alone with the ghosts anymore.

Standing up straight on a pedestal in my room, I felt light headed wearing the heavy wedding gown as the seamstresses quietly worked around me, pinning and altering the dress. Papyrus was standing to the side, acting as a guard by order of sans, him worrying about the sharp equipment used in this process, and because he didn't want to see the laced dress himself, in fear of bad omens. Closing my eyes, my mind created a different reality for me, one where I was betrothed to someone different, someone that I could actually choose.

My mind wondered about these ideas for a while until reality washed back onto me with every occasional poke of a needle that accidentally jabbed quickly yet effectively into my skin. Once the appointment with the dress fitting was all said and done after what felt like an eternity, my eyes couldn't help but churn up tears at the idea of my twisted fate, most would have multiple paths to chose yet I was being hastily shoved down a one way dimly lit street with nothing but my broken wits to guide me.

The next few weeks seemed to fly away like a flurry of spinning clock arrows until it was the dreaded week ...  My heart stopped in realization once the day actually came, as all I wanted to do was curl up and cry over how pathetic my life had become, I felt like a concubine due to how isolated I've become to the real world.

Putting on the dress again, felt even more cold as it had the first time. As I could only seem to think about my family for some reason, how much I missed their warm company. Even the warm feeling that had lingered in my innards after the lustful night had started to fade away in these deep, shallow moments. There I sat in my gown, my heart pulsating with dread, my mind barren and empty in thought, or meaning, my eyes burning inside my skull with every blink I took, staring at the door, waiting for my cue to come on stage of this sickly play.

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