Chapter 22: Meaningless Blades

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Desperately snatching the knife from his hands I held on to it for dear life. As he stood there unfazed. Yanking his collar down I poised the knife to his spiney neck. He didn't panic or resist to my blade, he oddly accepted it with a warm greeting. Starting to make my way towards the front door, I escorted the cooperative skeleton with me as the guards backed away from me seemingly in fear that I had a blade to one of their top men, not only that but the mafia boss's own brother. Reaching the front door, I was faced with my worse nightmare.

"Put the knife down." he ordered calmly, blocking the exit as his white irises burnt into mine. "Let me leave this place, or I'll K-kill him" I thretened showing the little confidence I had left as my body trembled lightly pushing the knife closer to the bone. "Go Ahead" The sadistic brother spoke flatly, knowing I didn't have the courage to go through with something as insane as this. Papyrus didn't move or struggle, putting on his best poker face against his brother conveying fear of death. Both knew I wasn't capable of killing anyone. Both new if I did, sans would just keep me here and papyrus' death would be for nothing.

Salty water escaped my eyes "Let me go!" I shouted as frustration seeped through every word,as fear bubbled up inside my body, only making me tremble more. "No way in hell" Sans growled back lowly standing his ground stubbornly. The sharp cutlery shook in my palm, T-this was my last chance. Against all the odds, and in a flurry of panic and adrenaline, I switched the knife in my hands towards a different Hostage, myself, pulling the blade against my own neck. Yet before I even made the thinnest of slices against my flesh, the knife became smothered in blue and halted instantly.

My eyes drew up to sans, with his eye ablaze, he looked even more demonic, and somehow even more terrifying to me than he already had looked in my eyes. The knife was yanked from my hands within seconds. It was all over releasing my last hostage from my tight grip, I made a run for it. Sprinting up, and tripping up the stairs, I eventually made it to my dreaded room and slammed the door shut as my mind was panicking and pulsing as it thought about what punishment I would receive for this failed attempt.

My breaths where short and sharp as I curled up in a ball in front of my door, desperately trying not to think of the fate that would befall me. A few hours escaped me before a knock made me flinch in fright, yet the voice that followed calmed my tattered nerves. "______, May I Come In?" taking a few deep breaths, I shuffled out of the way of the door and let him in. He hastily shut it behind himself and kneeled down to my curled up form his arms protectively wrapping around me in a form of comfort. All the comfort he gave to me in my time of need was making me cry even worse, as I let out all of the trauma and fear out in tears and screams, muffled against his chest.

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