ok, now go read

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For everyone's information, I went and published a yandere sans x reader one shot on my page, so if you like this book, I'd recommend going ahead and reading that while you're waiting for me to post another chapter of this series.

This is kind of a short note, and I'm sorry for pissing people off for no new chapters, but hey, at least these waits aren't as long as other hiatuses amiright?....

But it's about midnight here, and I'm really tired, probably just going to go and edit any mistakes I made in that one shot in the morning, due to me just wanting this thing to finally be published.

It was a small idea I was tinkering with, and by all means did I love the idea, so, I hope you might love it just as much as I enjoyed thinking about it.

Through The Mouth (Yandere Mafiatale SansX Reader) SECOND ACTWhere stories live. Discover now