Chapter 21: My Own Hostage

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When all was said and done, the estates walls were desolated by bullet holes and blood stains, as the once neatly cut  grass was now littered in bullet shells and fresh corpses dying the grass an ominous red. Terror only grew from looking over to the monster lounging besides me, yet I still seemed to manage to keep my panicked heartbeat aside. Putting on my mask of composure, I exited what was left  of the car once sans told me to come out, no more sounds of bullets polluted my ears, as all I could hear were the spirits of the dead sifting through the wind.

The next two hours, I spent sitting in the safe room as Sans made a long winded rant about how he could never take a step away from this place without getting ambushed by a enemy gang. Not that I could entirely blame him for getting constantly paranoid about this issue, though throughout his argument, it felt like he was constantly trying to pin this problem on me, as if I was the very source of this issue in the first place. "I'm sorry but, if we're safe now, may I please go back to my room?" I piped down quietly, just wanting to leave his nonsense. Looking back at me, he muttered a simple sure before I made my way back to my own room.

Sitting on my bed, I wondered how in the world was I going to get out of this twisted mad house now. After this fiasco, sans would soon make the order to get tighter security on this house by tenfold. If I wanted to escape, then now would seem to be my last chance, but a lingering fear enveloped my head as I remembered all of my previous failed attempts, this time, to have even a slither of a chance, I would require a hostage.


Stepping into the kitchen where I found the cheerful brother, I casually glanced around for the kitchen's equipment. "Oh! It's Nice To See You Here For A Change!" He says, taking note of my presence almost instantly. "Yes" I mumble, thinking and planning of how I was going to even go through with this, my heart  already plummeting in a pit of guiltiness for my future sins. "Well, Is There Anything You Need?" He inquires after setting something into the oven, the aroma of the dish masking through the entire room. "Oh, uh.. yes. " I begin, quickly thinking of an excuse for my presence "I came here to.... cook an old dish I used to make" his eyes began to light up in amusement from my lie. "Oh! What Type Of Dish Would That Be Then?" He questions more curiously, "....Pico de gallo (Salsa) " was the first thing I blurted out, after thinking of the first type of food that requires cutting things up with sharp knives, and god did I regret it.

He paused for a moment before coming back "Ah, So What Do You Personally Use To Make Your Recipe? I Can Help You With Finding All The Ingredients" He comments
"well, first.. tomatoes "
"Uh Huh, That's Always A Good One"
"Onion, bell peppers, jalapeños,"
"And The Last Ingredient?" He asks, as if the last ingredient is a common known rule of salsa
"Paprika?" I ask as he begins looking at me oddly
"You DO Know, Paprika Isn't Used For Salsa, Right?" He states, as his tone starts to reveal how he was knowing where this was going from the start.
"..Cilantro Would Have Been The Better Answer" he adds, taking a fresh knife out of the knife block and handing me it "Go Ahead." He says flatly

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