Chapter 27:Do I Need A Reason?

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You know, I used to dream about getting married once I was old enough to,
A voice whispered inside my head as I opened the doors

I used to imagine the same scenario that seems to be happening right now, mom would be waiting there in the seats with a proud and encouraging look on her face, holding a tissue to get ready for the water works, Asriel would be my best man, as he would first see me back as who I once was, before realizing how old we had both gotten, how much we would have grown, dad would have been there too.. but I suppose that it's too late for that now. They would all see me where you're standing right now, how happy we would have been.
My steps were small as music had started to play

However, now it's too late for that. It's too late for everything now, after what happened to me. How many times did I go to that reset button? How many hours did my unblinking eyes stare at it?
I made sure to keep my eyes to the audience, the orchestra, the priest, just anyone but him.

Eventually, I realized how boring it would get, looping their suffering over and over, so I decided to see what happens after, what scraps of torture and misery I could scavenge from this timeline, and oddly enough, I found more than what I bargained for.
Somehow, my steps seemed even smaller the closer I got in front of him

First went dad, he didn't live that pretty of a life behind the curtains, so in his mindset of depression, he took on a life of crime to eventually make a big name for himself, only to be kicked down by the very man that he was jealous of the most. Then went mom, struggling to pay bills, constantly getting beat up when she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. And who could forget that retarded skeleton with his fuck off skeleton of a brother's problems on discrimination too?
My heart pounded inside my chest as all I could do was glue my mouth shut

And if we are to mention him, we might as well talk about how much of a hero he really is; saving his retarded brother and mom from their torment, only to be treated like a white collar worker day in and day out after he gets used to seeing corpses in his bedroom. I don't blame him for going off the rails every now and then only to find some scrap of his past that he'd force to keep safe inside his pocket for all eternity.
I wanted it to stop, please, please make it stop

Lastly, you. Aren't you the innocent soul, huh? Trapped inside here like a dog, he's the one driving you insane, he's the one who locked you up after all. Isn't it his fault? And now look at you, tying the knot with him after getting so desperate for some excitement in your personal hell, that you came to screwing a retarded skeleton!
I can't take it anymore, -

"Stop it!" A voice had yelled from inside the crowd, turning my head, it was Frisk who had screamed, as the room went dead silent. For a moment, Frisk looked at me pitifully yet empathetically before closing their mouth shut again and slouching down in their seat to avoid the attention that they had gotten.

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