Chapter 19: Family

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Looking back up from the pin, to the door in front of me, my mind took a big breath of air after it's lungs had been burned by the salty water of insanity. Soon after that, the over bearing weight of shame washed through me, I was a mess on some bathroom floor, the equivalent of a sad puddle of urine next to a toilet. Sure, that puddle might have a backstory as to why it's there, but it's small and insignificant at the end of the day.

I got up and took a moment to stare at the handle of the door, letting the flurry of thoughts rushing to and fro in my head start to simmer down. My hands carefully opened the door as if I was diffusing a bomb, I didn't want to see what was behind that door, but my conscious knew that we were bound to seeing him for god who knows how long.

He just stood there, waiting. His eyes might have been glued to the phone in his hands, but I knew that his mind was focused on other things at hand. Closing the door behind me, I waited for his dreaded eyes to look up. As they did, a softer smile grew on his face as he gestured for me to take his arm. Going down the halls, it felt like I was in some dream from seeing so many places that haven't been repeated in my brain to death.

The large halls were sprinkled with actual people, which all the more gave my broken head a sense of relief that I hadn't felt in a long time. Parents encouraging their kids to go and do their best out on the rink, kids running around, flocking to the concession stands for candy that would keep them up all night. Teenagers that sat around the outlets, having nothing better to do with their weekend, and always being a leech for free wifi.

It almost reminded me of my own home, and my own family. My sibling's crazy antics, yes, they might be annoying, but I'd love them regardless no matter what they did. My parent's supportive energy for me, they might never show their support in the best ways, or at all some times, but deep down, I know that there's a reason to why they decided to raise me, and not just to have more help around the house. Tears brimmed at the edges of my eyes just bringing them up in my mind again. Regardless of what they might have said or done in the past, they're family,I missed them.

Getting back to my senses, my eyes began to blink over and over, to prevent the small dots of tears from falling. Looking across the room, anyone could tell who sans's family was out of everyone. Even though the lady looked out of place in the whole picture in front of me, it seemed like she was still trying to blend in.

Her lamb-like ears were hidden by a winter hat, even though the horns had poked out of them, giving her more attention than she seemed to have wanted for herself. She looked like a humble and straight forwardly caring woman, which only seemed to bring back the memories of my own mother.

Even though the child next to her in the hockey gear seemed to be the most normal of the two, my mind still made me more curious of them instead of the monster next to them. They looked up to me as I looked down at them, and in that moment, it felt as if we had met before.

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