Chapter 5:Someone To Fill The Gap

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He peered over to my heart broken expression, sighing again. His hand pulled something out of the smallest drawer in his desk. Striding around to me, he grabbed my hands before halting, placing a cold metallic object in my palm he mumbled "As I recall, this was yours." before walking off coldly.

Opening my shaken hands, I found a old worn out military badge laying in my palm. Though rust climbed up the corners of it, it still shined golden exactly the same way of when my grandpa first wore it..... It still brought a meaning to it like when he gave it to me, and when I gave it to him.......

My tears tumbled down my face soaking my cheeks. Sans had kept this all these years, my heart ached in nostalgia for those good old days I cherished.

" Never Knew humans got medals for serving in wars, back where I grew up, our soldiers just got really neat teeshirts " Sans spoke in a tired yet reminiscent tone, he looked almost joyous but also contrasted seeming stressed and worn down, as if a single touch would cause him to blow away like dust.

"Yeah, My grandpa got a few medals for serving, and one he gave to me after his death..." I recall, remembering the day me and my siblings each got one. It made me sad they never cared for theirs. 

"I'll bring it in so you can see" I smiled lightly. "Sounds cool" he spoke up, his mind seeming to wonder, waver away from the world like a kite with a weak string. I knew he wasn't listening, but I was more curious in rather what was on his mind, yet my words could never come out, so there we sat, enjoying each others company, yet our minds being oceans apart.


Wiping at my burning tears, I tightly clutched onto the medal as if it was the only thing that kept me sane. The sans I once loved deserved this medal, yet the person I know now doesn't even deserve the sight of it. the past almost seemed like a daydream, something I dreamed of to make this cursed existence better.

Before I could calm my breaths, or clear my eyes, the door swung open, a familiar brother entering into the room naively. "Sans..." he started but after scanning the room without signs of his brother, he turned his gaze to me. "Oh ____.." he seemed to notice my puffy eyes in seconds, his smile faltering. "I Was Going To Join The Guards Outside, Are You Going To Join?" he asked politely to me as the silence grew longer, so did his memory of their orders not to let me out.

He looked out the frosted window, like a puppy wanting to join in the fun, but he instead turned back over to me "....Or We Can Have Lunch Instead" he recommended, I nodded hesitantly, trying not to return to my tears. Papyrus walked closer to me, as if I was a startled deer, pulling his arm round my shoulder trying to be gentle. "So..... Mind Informing Me On What Happened?" he asked, leading me down the marble stairs carefully.

"I think this place is just... Finally getting to me" I mumbled through my hushed breath, my mind yelling at me that I was childish for complaining "Trust Me When I Say... That I Know That Feeling" he assures, looking at me "I miss them... I miss being free.." I mumbled. Sitting me down at the dinning table, he patted my shoulder. ".....I'll Be Right Back" he reassured, stepping off in the direction to the kitchen hastily.

Laying my arms drearily on the table, and cupping my head between them, an emptiness surfaced in my cold organs making me feel agonizingly sick. It was as if a malevolent snake was wrapping it self round my neck tighter and tighter, pushing me to my limits until......

Papyrus returned shortly after the signal of a door opening, raising my gaze up at him, I noticed the two plates pulled up, each presenting a grilled cheese cooked to a golden brown crisp. Bringing my back up and looking over to him, he looked over and tried helping me rub some of the remaining tears away. "... Ever Since The Day I Came Here, I Could Already Sense The Loneliness Hiding In These Walls" he sighed, both of us not seeming interested in the food "I've Been Here Since The Start, well, as long as sans has...." his voice softened "I only really go out for groceries, practice my aim, sharpen the knives, and.... nothing has really changed these past years, apart from you... " he stared blankly at the wall across the room stopping his rambling mumble. "Why don't you leave?" I questioned, wishing I was in his situation. "He's my brother, I could never do that" he spoke quietly,  dismissing the idea instantly. "Anyways, Today, We'll Forget About That" he changed his demeanor, almost defensively. Though it still put a soft smile on my face that I finally had someone to fill the gap of loneliness.

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