Holy kaboozle

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First off,

Holy Kaboozle Kefka  palooza

I've been havin a lot of reads, so, thanks like a ton of bunches of bunches! Like a whole hay bale of thanks!


For any like really stoked artists,

I might add your art work on here if it's mafiatale considering, I'm running out of my favorite artist's work and I'm like 73% sure they're Finnish so they're like a gabillion times cooler in my head, because I just really like Finnish people, like some weird stalker obsession level to it, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm meaning the person that makes this really hella fan art

I might add your art work on here if it's mafiatale considering, I'm running out of my favorite artist's work and I'm like 73% sure they're Finnish so they're like a gabillion times cooler in my head, because I just really like Finnish people, lik...

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Look at that beauty, look at that grace, I fuckin love it to death

this one just makes me think of 80s rap music photos which is just kinda funny to me, like go put some dorito's logo behind there and you're all set

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this one just makes me think of 80s rap music photos which is just kinda funny to me, like go put some dorito's logo behind there and you're all set

But yeah if you share some with me I might add it, especially if it has to deal with scenes in this book alone.

So draw away artists of all ages, and don't forget to tag me in them,

If you have a instagram,

My handle is "A_Toxic_Melody" if you wish to tag it on there, otherwise, I have no other social media sites I really use or are willing to share

And that's about it

Except for one hint for the future of this storyline that will confuse literally everyone and possibly create outrageous theories:

Except for one hint for the future of this storyline that will confuse literally everyone and possibly create outrageous theories:

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that's the hint

That's it

Have fun

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