Chapter 11: Aria Di Mezzo Carattere

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Though it was far past midnight, most guards and workers had just gotten to bed, as the night shift took their place. The grandfather clock rung 2 times as I had just finished cleaning the last dish in the kitchen.

Walking back to the maid's quarters, my ears detected a loud bang following panicked breathing. Concerned, I quietly went over to investigate the scene. Creaking the door open, I saw her, The lady looked like a pale ghost, as if possessed. A dead girl that had been slowly rotting away in this house like fruit. Though it was a unbearable sight to see, I knew if I laid a single finger on her, I would be kicked from my job, or worse.So quietly, I informed that I would get the boss to check up instead.

He'll help her. I have faith he will. He just hasn't shown her much hope yet, right? Walking down the hall, I checked his office, and there he was.. his shirt had been stained red, and from the very instant, I knew it was blood.

The color of blood is not the rusty color you see after it's been out in the sun for a few decades, nor is it the bright red color of a red slushy tongue. The color of blood has a scent to it, it looks like a sweet red pepper, rotted 10 days in the fridge.

"Sir" I spoke quietly yet sternly. He brought his head up to me, not pleased by my appearance one bit. "Yes?" He asked, taking another puff out of his cigarette. "The lady has seemed to woken up from a night terror again" I inform. hearing this, he puts out his cigar and goes to take a jacket from the rack "I'll be right there... Thanks for the heads up, but while you're here, mind doin' me a small favor and cleaning up the cellar?" He asked as he slipped on a jacket. Knowing what he had meant, I nodded my head. Cleaning up the cellar had been my least favorite job in the house, but it paid the bills, so why should I complain

As he left while buttoning up his coat, I went to the broom closet to get the recipe to ridding of a body. Two trash bags, gasoline, a heads up from one of the night guards to help drag it, a match or two, a small cheap gas station knife, and a pair of gloves. Walking into the retched smelling room, I noticed how many people had been stuck in here.. usually he just puts one or two in here, but today, it looks like it's a full house of cows to get slaughtered.

Yet I'm just not sure if they have a sudden excess of sinners that needed to pay.. or if the boss had really lost his marbles this time. Opening the door to the slaughter room,  I had already encountered a puddle of blood staining my shoe from the first step.

Scanning the corpse, it slouched down on its side, swimming in a puddle of his own blood. The poor guy seemed to get burnt alive and castrated..... A tad gross to say the least.

At first glance, the body seems to have been dead for least half an hour, but the more I examined it, the more I got frightened and questioned why he looked so familiar. I didn't even want to lift up his head, but I mustered up the resilience and doubt to do so and.... my instincts were correct...

"C.... chris?" I mutter, falling down my knees, crawling towards the corpse as tears started to form in my eyes "Chris... wake up...... get up.................... I-it's not funny anymore. " I started going through denial, this had to be some sick joke, he can't be dead, I just saw him... I saw him last week

"Chris wake up.. please... p-please wake up" I demanded, shaking the corpse gently, I knew he was dead, but I didn't want to admit to it "wake up" I croak, shaking him more. This can't be happening. We.. we were free, end of story, live happily ever after, the end. I-it wasn't supposed to turn out like this.

His face looked peaceful, yet the rest of his body said how much hell he went through. He did this to Chris. H-he'll pay for what he's done. Even if he thinks his acts of kindness outweigh his sins, This... this is what has tipped his scale over.

Dear lord, we were so close.. so fucking close to our happy ending...  but he just had to fuck it up. Now I... now I'll end up as some washed up single mother in 6 months...... I don't think I'll be able to take it... not without Chris by my side.... h-he would have made.. made a great father....... sleep well my best friend.... my truest lover.... my evening angel....... I'll give one last Big Bang for you, one last shot before bidding farewell. I won't care if it kills me, then I could see you again.

We'd finally have our happy ending then.

I would open my eyes, and see you there by my side,

This time, I'd be the one crying.

But not the same tears you shed on the swings. I'd be weeping the tears of bliss, just... just if you opened your eyes for me. Please. Just once. One last time.... please....

I thank you, dear one

My love, my life

To the grave sorrow,

To the dark fear that disturbed my heart

I wish one day I will accept this. But for now, I will be here, waiting.

Through The Mouth (Yandere Mafiatale SansX Reader) SECOND ACTWhere stories live. Discover now