Chapter 15: The Ghost In This Garden

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Soaking in the sun's warm rays, I sat once again in silence next to my devil, the thing I despise so much, but can't help but to think about so often. 

"You know, " he started, attempting to clear away our silence as if it was a cloud of smoke in the way "This garden once belonged to someone I knew," his gaze pointed over to the over-trimmed entanglement of a garden, bushes uncut for seasons on seasons, a rusty bird bath sitting with no water in it, flowers and vines taking over the possibly once beautiful garden. "Oh really" my voice pretended to seem interested, as my mind was lost in other things.

"Yeah... he was the pervious boss of this place. As I was his right hand man. And, well, you should know what happened next" a small reminiscent smile spreads on his face, probably nostalgic over the days when his prey actually had put up a fight, when they were fun to catch and play with. 

I nod solemnly, hiding my face in my hair, only just realizing it's new length since the time I've been here. Silence washed us away before he pushed his head back up to the sky.  "I think I just might have something for you.... a gift for you that might just bring you back. " He thinks out loud, bringing his attention to the sky. My breath let out a curious hm in question, as if we were a old married couple, and I had heard his ramblings a thousand times over, used to the ambiguous taste of his nonsense.

"Tomorrow I'm calling for a full day off, considering, my kid's got a big hockey tournament tomorrow, and well, we can't miss that now can we" He smiles as I look over to him in confusion.

A kid? He doesn't have a kid, does he? Wait- can he even have a kid? He's only bones so that doesn't make sense.. my face looked a amalgamation of blank nothingness and flakes of confusion as questions dissecting what he had just said spiraled my thoughts down into a jumbled error of a mess.

"You have a kid?" I question him

"Well,  not my kid, but a kid I know well. Essentially, I'm like a uncle to them you could say " he explains a bit more clearly to me. an uncle? "So Papyrus is their father?" His smile rises as he starts to laugh, imagining Papyrus as the father to the unnamed child "no no no, not like, biological uncle, but like as in a symbolic uncle" he explains more, as I sit in my own melting form, feeling embarrassed for even asking my last question, or just my questions in general.

Looking over to me, he gets up and shows me eyes that aren't his -eyes shining with life in them-. "Don't worry about it doll, just be ready by 11 tomorrow." He says, walking out and back inside as he left me with the ghost in this garden, and my thoughts.

Was he really going to let me go outside? This seems so... not real. Out of left field. My mind began thumping with two feelings dueling one another, the feelings of excitement, adrenaline shooting my eyes awake, overjoyed that I was going to see the world again, and the bitter feeling of worry, knowing clearly that there had to be some sort of catch he isn't telling me quite yet. 

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