Chapter 28: Forget It.

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After that the wedding went without an unconvenient hitch, my stomach churned like a tumble dryer when I had to lean in for that final kiss that finalized the contract of entrapment. That chain of metal wrapped like a snake round my finger as my lips lightly touched the smooth marrow of his teeth before hastily retreating as his hands clutched mine like a clamp.

For the rest of the nightmare, he kept hold of my hand as if I'd disappear as soon as he'd let go... I wish that was true. After the endless amount of belittling chats where I'd say a few mere words as the devil right next to me chatted on merrily about trapping his victim forever, depression and tiredness had began to envelope my dreary mind as I was dragged back to a fancy hotel room. Not the regular one.

Yanking my hand away from his firm grip, I hoisted myself and my disgracefully big dress into the bathroom. Splashing water in my face, I stared into the sink again. Before I could even process an entire thought, a sharp pain shot through my neck, causing me to retreat to the end of the wall as my hands clutched the back of my neck.

Like that?

The same voice ringed

That's just the preview of your future demise,
We'll be seeing you real soon

A pain to the neck.. huh...
Once they had left me, I had honestly felt like simply crying the rest of the night in that small corner, declaring the small bathroom as my safe house from what was behind that door. But my better wits managed to crawl up from their grave only to scorn me into removing my ridiculous costume and abandoning my safe house for the pit beneath it. My hands touched, scratched, clawed at the back of my neck.

The moments after that, I wanted to wash out from my head the most. To sever it. As the lights began to dim, the torment had begun with soft words in the darkness. The gentle, sweet words that were only made to draw my mindless mind in, like a fly to honey. Then came the nips, and attempts at further affection to win me over to him, just to give him the permission that he desired from me. That one word.

He didn't want my mind, he didn't want my words. All he wanted in those moments was the sound of my voice seeping into the air like a long satisfied chord that only moved higher in tone. He wanted each atom in my body to be his, and rightfully claimed as his that night.

As for me, the only thing I had wanted in those moments was only the space in between us; nothing. But I didn't give much of a fight during the ancient dance. He only thought of it as a sign of openness to him, never thought of it as a sign of illness.

Most people have quiet the affinity for reading through beastly moments like these in a sense of directness, they get a sick kick out of describing the length of a piece of flesh, or how desperately one would suck or lick on knobs on people like a drooling, teething infant. But why.. why would I describe something like that to myself. It would only be useless in my own desire to forget it ever had happened in the first place.

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