Chapter 9: Evelyn, Please Save Me

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My eyes kept to where they had always been.. To where I've always remembered them being. I can't seem to remember a time without my eyes starting right here, down at this cold, mossy cement floor. My body was decorated in small red and black dots from the ends of cigarettes, my skin laced with cuts and bruises that had been washed over with who knows what.... What did I do to deserve this? Who fucking knows at this point, yet all I seem to remember is the name.... The name Evelyn..

The door opened again as people like me rose their eyes up, in hopes it was something good this time. Others had scrunched their eyes closed, in fear, while the last majority didn't react at all, they just continued to rot where they were. The odor oozing out of them had become scentless to me by now, as if this had been my home now... Possibly my home with whoever Evelyn was.

The executioner was here. My eyes shot right back down to the floor I loved so dearly. Possibly if I act as if I hadn't seen him... Maybe if I play dead he won't notice me. Yet...

Click clack click clack

The sound came closer to me, in a repetitive pace that made me wish I didn't have ears. Until it simply, stopped. My eyes couldn't see the floor.... His shoes had replaced it..

"Well?" He asked, expecting me to respond, after no less than 5 seconds, he had kicked me up the jaw, my mouth making a loud cracking noise "Look at me when I talk " he ordered. Shakily, my neck guided me up to his cold face. Sighing, he looked over to someone else next to him before grabbing me by whatever hair I had on my head, taking me back into a solitude room, just as cold and as concrete as the last. 

Looking up at him, he had been playing with a lighter in his hand, turning the flame on, and back off before drawing it closer to my skin. A small voice in my head had urged me to get away from this madman, yet the rest of me had already accepted my fate here.   First he lit from the start of my wrist, all the the way up my arm, only decorating me with more burns, though I could tell my minimal reaction made him grow tired of me.  Maybe he'd throw me in a ditch if I was lucky. Or send me to Evelyn.

Taking out a knife, he placed the knife around my skin, dragging it around, deciding what slice of the cake he calls me he wants before pushing it in through my wrist. And that was the spot, the point where my heart beat had raced as fast as a race horse, my throat up chucked a scream that had him smiling. A picture in my head had came into my eyes

The swings.. About a block down the motel we lived in. That was the place. The place I would come to get away whenever my mother had beat me. I'd sit on them, and swing on them as if I was soaring out to outer space to get away from them, I'd like to act as if I was a normal kid until reality came, and I'd just sit there. Sit there in my own tears.

And there I stood there, crying, looking down at my bloodied and burnt wrist until a knee impacted my face with full on force, making my head jut up and hit the wall with a greater force. Slumping back down on the wall, he brought me up again just to cut more through my arm

One night she came into my life, Evelyn. She had asked why I was crying, and I could only seem to respond with "I don't know why" "Well, everyone's got a reason to cry. What's yours " I stayed silent, holding my breath through my tears holding the shaky breaths I had. She offered to buy me bubble gum from the 7/11 down the street. And so, every week I would come back, and so would she, we'd Chew bubble gum together, sometimes a churro or a Popsicle once in a while. She'd bring a pocket full of the softest tissues I'd felt and let me take my emotions on her.

Coming back to a complete mess, I didn't even notice that he had castrated me until I felt blood smother every inch of my legs and arms, it felt warm on my cold body. My breathing was as jagged as his knife and his smile. Though my heart and brain were decaying hellishly slowly as every second was bundled with pain in every nerve in my body, I held little emotion now, besides my constant stream of tears. My mind wanted to escape. And so it did.

As the weeks passed to months to years, we eventually discovered we came from similar backgrounds, we both wanted to leave so badly. Leave everything behind for something better. Maybe go to college, get a nice job, get married. Have a family. And there we sat on the swings, where we'd launch ourselves up to the sky, she offered "We could run away from this town, go somewhere else, anywhere, go to Space "

And so we did. I think.. I have at least. In space, you seem to feel nothing. But you see everything from where you're at. You can see the earth. The stars, planets, galaxies, everything. Though it looks delightful, it's pure hell without her in my arms.



Let me see you.

Let me hold your warmth in my arms one last time.

I'm so alone here.

I'm afraid.

I don't want to forget.

I don't want to forget.


I don't want to be alone again.

I love you

I love you so much

Take me back to the swings again.

One last time.

I don't want to forget.

Don't let me forget.

I won't.

But I will one day again and again.

I don't want to forget.

Through The Mouth (Yandere Mafiatale SansX Reader) SECOND ACTWhere stories live. Discover now