April Fools Chapter 12:what did you expect?

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(This is a obvious what not to do, and how not to write chapter, along with making fun of some of the gimmicks that I usually do, so go take notes small kiddies that are not aware of how to compose works of literature yet, but wish to in the near or late future)

I want to get out. I want to get out so so badly. So I simply just slipped through the wall, and out.

"Hey ___!" Papyrus cheers in a 90's anime school girl fashion "Moi!" I yell louder ascending to the sky , walking over the garden wall, and gracefully falling back down like the true merciful god I am

"Guess What?!" Papyrus exclaims "¿what?!!?!" I ask back, as excited as a lollygaging sentient potato,  "Sans Is Nice Now! And He Has No Longer Killed Anyone! And We Are Moving To Iceland To Heard Sheep!" He cheers, excited for his new gig to heard many sheep, possibly even with a small dog 

"Oh gosh golly gee whiz!" I exclaim, "can I come with??" "Of course you can! What type of husband would I be if I didn't?" "A corn dog!" "That I would ___, that I would"

And so we were off to Canada, and then Iceland, leaving the mansion for that one random maid and her husband, along with a small loan of a gabillion dollars.

We spent the rest of our days like people with Down's syndrome: failing to eat squash correctly, enjoying oral intercourse every Tuesday, and occasionally having teletubbies- induced seizures.

It was hard work herding alpacas up the mighty mountains, but we made use with what we had. Our hands, and our hips. Our hands on our hips. We lived in a pineapple, under the sea. And at nights we would sit together with our 38 incest and non incest children, and looked directly at the sun.

As we grew older, we all became more fond of sudoku, we were no longer able to lick llamas in our frail age, and so we made sudokus as profit, because the economy is shit and no one can get retired anymore.

After the Great War of Finland and Chile, we went back to where it started. The bar. And drank, drank all of the tartar sauce until there was none left. Why must this cruel world shatter my heart so, as if it's fat butt has sat on my heart.

The color brown is dark.

The color incest is medically disapproving due to many genetic factors.


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