Chapter 7:A Change Of Heart

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After that one single peaceful day with Papyrus after the bombardment of hopeless crummy days, you finally seemed to have a new glint in your eyes, new faith brought to you, restoring your attitude with a little more hope.

Yet someone seemed to take notice of this shift in attitude as well. A certain admirer had grown greedy, realizing that he not only wanted you. He had wanted to see your mouth curve, your eyes filled with life, your cheeks as red and as colorful as a peach. He wanted to see you giggle at his own jokes. To smile just by his and only his presence. He wanted to.... to see your hands wrapped around his neck like a shiny new medal, to feel your breath mixing with his own, the gap between you two so so small that you couldn't even get a penny through the gap. He wanted to hear your voice call his name.

Yet a familiar ring tone had sounded off before his imagination could run any farther than that. He brought the obnoxious ringing out from his jacket. Not in the mood to deal with it, he declined the call, though you had already noticed the ringtone, along with him oddly watching you, thus, you had absconded the room like a fleeing rabbit before he could get the chance to even mutter a word.  You knew that you couldn't run away from him forever, you had simply been preventing the inevitable of what he had in store for your fate.

Thoughts had ran around in your head about what he had in mind for you. Maybe he simply wanted to watch you suffer, tinker with your head until you were no fun anymore. Maybe he was planning on killing you any day from now. These thoughts had glazed your brain over with stress.  That stress made your head pound from a chiming of a bell, or from someone's sudden surprise of a voice, almost making you jump out of your skin. 

It made you fearful that you might be looking right in the eyes of your to - be killer. Though with the new found hope you had, you mustered a bit of courage in your mind. Just enough to look at your killer right back in the eyes, yet of course, not forever. Though long enough, just long enough for your time to end.

It's funny,
How little you know of your fate.
I sway around everyone like a cloud of smoke.
Listening to their minds, and their foolish thoughts.
Some have hopes, dreams, aspiring for something.
Others are weighed down in stress, misery, sorrow.

Some, most, are in the middle grounds. Which is where you happen to stand.
I can hear you.
I can hear your voice from past to future.
Why do I even bother telling a dead man a warning?
Maybe it's for my own sick fun.
Or maybe it's for a change of heart.

Though truly, it's for none of those things. Only to watch another mortal in this world  perish, rot and dry up like a fungus about to go into winter. Maybe it will die out in the thick blankets of snow, or maybe, just maybe. It will prevail through the frostbite.

But who knows? Maybe I'm just sitting here, waiting for a different character in this play to die off.

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