Chapter 16: The Robbery Of Will

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It was like staring right at a ghost in front of me. Or like.. like if it was some sort of sick prank, or illusion created from the demons tormenting my head. But there he was, dressed in his casual blue sweatshirt and basketball shorts, he leaned his weight onto the doorframe as he looked over to me with a gentle splintered smile like he used to. It took me a moment or two to blink, and push my mind back into reality, as my mind wanted to believe him, it wanted to believe that he actually was the man he dressed himself up to be. Not the man he actually is.

It felt like some sort of dream that was going to disappear from my sight if my mind didn't pay attention to every single detail around me, I was half expecting the floor to melt into lava, or possibly for birds to fly in from the window to peck out my eyes in the end of this. "I should mention something, before we leave from here" he began, as he strolled up to me calmly, his mind floating around me like a garden snake "just as a small, little precaution for you" he smiles, taking another pause from his words, and looking down at me as if I was younger, a weaker thing than him. He placed a hand over my cheek gently, barley grazing the skin, as if he thought that I was made of sand. Then he stopped.

"If you even think of running off, telling anyone, screaming, thrashing, or behaving anything out of line" his voice became toneless, dull, meek and coated with death as his grip on my cheek drew lower down to the nape of my neck "No one, and I really do mean that no one will save you from me. You'll be brought back here, an' never see the light a day again. " His soft, gentle painted smile was brought back on to his face as if nothing had happened, switching expressions on me like some sort of mad man. "you got that sugar?" By around this time, his grip on my neck left my vocal cords strained, my mind had realized that I was no longer being strangled by my old friend, instead it was by this demon of a lover. all my nerves could manage to muster to him was a weak nod.

"Good" he chimed, releasing his grip on my soar neck, and turning around over to the exit of the room. Without a single thought afterward, he directed me to follow him over to the car as if nothing had happened previously. My hands were busy, gripping onto the sheets of my comforter as if it was the sheets I once slept on at the home I was raised in.

After all this time of protesting to be let out from here, sacrificing my dignity and pride to try and escape. After all this time and now..... I don't want to leave.
Not after being drained of all my hope and courage.
Not after being robbed of my sanity and tolerance.
Not after he took my trust and compassion.

My legs managed to stand myself back up as my hands let go of the sheets. If he took my entire life away from me, what says that I can't take something away from him.

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