Chapter 10: Just... Ketchup

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Every neuron in my body jolted me back to life as my body sprung up from the bed, and my lungs gasped for air. My hands clawed on to the covers, clutching on them as if they were a parent, coming into a child's room on a stormy night, t-telling them everything would be alright...

Every breath I took felt like I was breathing in a ocean, I wanted to throw up everything in my body, my meals, my memory of that.. that horrid dream, my heart... everything.

My door quietly creaked open as a maid, Evelyn, popped her head in, concern in her eyes. Glancing back at her through cold tears, I finally connected a name to a face, her features seemed sharp contrasting among the darkness. Before I could recollect my thoughts or utter a word of what had happened, she spoke hastily "I'll go get the boss for you miss, just hold tight for a moment" And with that, I was left to stare at the emptiness she had left.

Trying to calm myself, my tears I rubbed under my eyes, the skin and tissue under it becoming raw and puffy. The last person I wanted to see after that nightmare was him.

Chucking away the covers in dismay, I stumbled out of my room faster than a rabbit from a avalanche, my breathing had become rigid, and my head turned light and airy, all of the blood draining down into my feet.

Wondering down the stuffy hall,I spotted a familiar tall skeleton, yet unfortunately, he went and blocked my path like a tree in the road. "_____, What's Wrong?" He questioned, running up to me. I couldn't help but burst into more tears at his sight, as if my head said it was alright to cry now, that I was safe, my shoulders trembled as I wrapped my arms around him desperately for comfort.

Papyrus didn't utter a word as he rubbed my back softly, trying to sooth my unrestful head." blood was on the the walls...... So much... I was drowning" I mumbled shakily, my voice raspy and quiet.

His arms seemed to tense up at my words, like a dead man's cold grip, tightening around me protectively . Releasing me from his grasp, he patted my head briefly before leading me back down the hall towards my room, he didn't seem to know that a bomb shell was heading for it.

Shaking my head in a repetitive manner, I definitely didn't want to return to those cold dead shadows, that room was going to be my resting place and I knew it, I knew it. " It Will Be Alright...... I'll get you out soon, just hold on a little longer" papyrus whispered calmly before pacing of down the hall hastily, and leaving me alone trembling at my door.

Slipping inside the crummy stuffy room, I barricaded the door with myself the best I could, leaning my weight against it, pitifully hoping it would hold him back. A knock rang on my door, as if fate was a literal doorbell.

With my defense being a complete and predictable failure, I retreated behind the bed, hoping the shadows could conceal me, consume me whole. Light filtered through the room, illuminating his terrifying smile through the light.  "_____" his dreadful voice called out, dragging out every syllable in my name in a eerie, unnatural manner. Terrified, I clasped a hand over my mouth, hoping if I was quiet enough, he'd give up his hunt and let the prey live another day.

Footsteps alerted me as white burning irises stared down at me from the foot of the bed, freezing me in my place as I stared into them hopelessly, remembering the sadistic smile he had when torturing me in my dream.... Shaking violently, I turned my head away from him when he lent down to me "What's wrong?"  he asked viciously, faking a concerned voice.

Pushing myself back into the bed, my eyes wonder down from his eyes, and noticed the few deep dark red stains on his shirt collar. Bringing my hand up, I shakily pointed at the stains, my vision replaying the horrific bloody scene.  "Oh this?" his eyes dropped to the crimson stains on his shirt "It's fine, just a ketchup stain" he shrugged it off without hesitation.

Pushing that aside so quickly, his arms had slithered around me like snakes wanting to squeeze the life out of me. "Its ok dear, it's alright, I'm here now, so there's nothing to be afraid of.. right? " he spoke lowly to me my breath failing me "R-Right" I uttered, repeating the lie, wanting to believe it.

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