Chapter 8: His True Asprirations

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Glaring down towards the seemingly never ending stack of dull paper work on my desk, my eyes scanning among the ink-typed words, not able to make sense of them as my mind became lost in the mere thought of her eyes that could easily consume me with one glance, soft hair that I dreamed of tangling my fingers through. Yet the obnoxious creaking of the door brought me back to the faded reality like a cinder block to my ankle in a lake of crushing reality.

Staring up, I waited for the little prick to enter my view, not pleased one bit by them already. "Oh, what'd'ya want pap.." I ask begrudgingly and dully, sitting back in my leather seat.

His whole body language said nervous but not trying to show it. It made me want to raise an eyebrow, yet I instead chose a poker face over it. "Well, ____ Seems To Be.... How Do You Put It..... Not Liking It Here One Bit. "He explains, "Yeah? You really think I haven't noticed by now?" I ask, pulling out my drawer for a cig.

"I Was Hoping We Could Try To Change That! Maybe Actually Let Her Go On Outside Walks, Go Out In Public, Maybeevenlettingherfree?" He mumbled the last part, yet I heard it as clear as day. Instead of reaching for a cig from the box, my hand switches to a throwing knife besides the cigs, as I make no effort to throw it a hair away from his neck.

"What was that last part?" I question, looking up at him with a cold stare. He lets in a breath as if it would be his last, "Maybe Possibly Taking Her Out For A Walk In The Woods Where No One Is There, With Security?" He says, editing his comment for his life's sake.

I nod quietly "yeah, that's what I thought you said."  I comment, bringing back my cold smile "A walk would sound nice, so, sure. Why not schedule it for noon, right after my next appointment" I add, "appointment...." He says, knowing fully well what I meant by that.

"And why, look at the time," I point to the cold silver watch on my wrist "looks like I better go off before I'm late " I chuckle, getting out of my seat, and making my way towards the exit. But before I leave, he silently puts a hand on my shoulder "... I know you know this is wrong... Just.... Please don't do anything too reckless to jeopardize what you've worked up here for... For me, for your family, for your sanity, for her sanity...." 

I glance back at him, his features show worry and concern, yet all I can think about is how oblivious he is, and always will be "you don't realize how I really worked my way up here... Do you... The thing that drove me up in that big cold leather chair you see over there is pure fucking vengeance and hatred for this god damn world. A big shittin' orgy of hate over those cunts that pushed me over my limit, the shit I've put up through my whole life, the shit I've seen you and every other monster been puttin' up with. And I won't stop until this whole world is purged of asshats like Chris, or Eddie, or Al, even if it takes me miles of broken glass just to snap their scrawny little necks.  And you, you won't fuckin' stop me, you think I give two shits about keepin' you alive? Hell no." I snapped, as if all of my anger and sadistic tendencies I had kept from him for so long had been slapped right through him, my mouth simply shut, as he was left there with a expression of as if he'd just saw someone being mutilated right in front of him.

My consciousness didn't give him a second thought before guiding me out the room, and to the empty ghosting hallway.

Through The Mouth (Yandere Mafiatale SansX Reader) SECOND ACTWhere stories live. Discover now