Chapter 2:The Surface Of The Chaos

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Pulling a thick caramel sweater over my head, the chill still tickled at my shoulders, my nerves longing for more warmth. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I was tempted to barricade my door; knowing that sooner or later, that vile skeleton would step in to give me a punishment. Leaning back into the covers, I stretched my limbs as they responded with clicks. My body was in shambles. Glancing down at my ankle, it was as raw as meat fresh off of a cow, and stung with every slight movement I made with it. Lesson learned, never sprint with a sprained ankle. Pulling myself back onto the soft bed, I placed a pillow down by the end, and slowly lifted my ankle onto it, wincing at the annoying pain it'd send off every now and then.

Maybe if I sleep and keep quiet, he'll forget about what I did. Leaning my head back into the remaining pillows, the rain from the thunder storm still pelted down drops of rain onto the rooftop, keeping my mind active. After it died down to light tickling, I was able to lull myself to sleep with the blissful dreams and thoughts flourishing through my mind of escape and freedom.

Walking calmly yet menacingly down the hall, my footsteps echoed off the quiet walls. Pushing open her door, I stopped in my tracks, glancing down at her sleeping form. She looked so relaxed as she'd take in shallow, calm breaths. her foot was proped up on a pillow, her ankle smudged with dark blues and purples. Gently, I placed my finger onto it, her sleeping form figeted in discomfort as she let out low murmurs. My mind played with the idea of twisting it further to teach her a lesson, yet pulling myself away, I knew better. Stupid, stupid skeleton that will only make her loathe you even more.


A light fabric struck my tired half away mind. Half opening my eyes, I glanced down at the dress, sprawled over me with a post it note written ontop of it.

"Get dressed,  we'll be going out later so be ready.  also, I'd recommend getting a fresh icepack down stairs for your ankle-S"

I was slightly suprised he didn't drag me out of bed by the hair last night to do unimaginable things. I almost feel relived about it, but I knew I wasn't looking at the root of this day, only the surface of this chaos.

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