Chapter 24: Forever Trapped

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Inhaling a sharp jagged breath, my lungs froze. My blood thickened into frost as his icy arms held mine in an loving embrace. Darkness enveloped my mind as panic shook  through my bones. His dead, soulless eyes stared into mine almost mockingly, as the glimpse of hope that remained in my heart shattering into nothing but dread. Tears dared to slip from my eyes, one wrong move and the predator would slaughter the prey. Conflict consumed me, and my voice betrayed me, my throat becoming unbearably dry. "_____?" he called out to me, soon growing impatient for an anwser to fall from my trembling lips.

"I-I uh...." tears streamed down my cheeks as what was left of my heart felt frozen to the touch deep within my intestines. As time passed by us, the monster arose from his feet, and pulled me into a bitter, disappointed hug. "I've been dreaming of the day.... that I would get to marry you, from the moment that I set my eyes on you" he smiled bittersweetly, holding my chin tightly so I was forced to stare back into those cynical sockets. "I swear.... I'll treat you like a princess" he mumbles as his hands started pushing his face down to mine, the same way papyrus had done just minutes ago. Yet this felt like nothing to the one before, as his teeth grazed agaisnt my lips, it left me with a cold slosh in the pit of my stomach. "...Scratch that, you'd be my Queen" he pulled back smiling wider, attempting to get some emotion out of my face. A bitter, and sickly taste of joy seemed to be etched in to his features. I tried desperatly to keep a small smile on my face fearing that if I didn't, I'd be roadkill in moments.

Nodding in response, he seemed satisfied with my answer as his hands stroked at my hair. "I'm so glad we didn't have to do this the hard way..... because of that, I'll leave you be for the rest of the night... " he spoke agonizingly sweetly, while his hand lowered to caress down my cheek. "Sleep well, I'll be needing to go back to some papers so I'll be busy for a while, but once I'm done with them, we can start planning our wedding" he beamed, his fingers tracing along my skin before drawing back and leaving me standing there, petrified as he left my room effortlessly. As soon as his footsteps disappeared down the hall, my legs buckled beneath me and the flood gates disintegrated.

I became oblivious to papyrus still being here, as he crawled out from his hiding place. His arms were once again trying to comfort me in their embrace, yet he didn't spew any comforting words, knowing that now there was no escape or much hope at that moment. Soon he had to leave, scooping me up, he tucked me into the covers, as his head grazed the top of my forehead, in a small attempt of a farewell kiss. Pushing some locks of stray hair from my face, he spoke in his rare soft voice "Get some sleep... I'll find you a way, so please don't worry anymore." with that, he left me stranded, as he shut the door softly behind him. Dooming me to be left with my tragic thoughts once more.

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