Chapter 25: Rulers Of The Night

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[Warning, mature sexual content ahead, you have been warned]

A bitter darkness lurked around me, making my spine shiver in fear. Red pupils sparked through the darkness, piercing through my soul in an instant. Only one left to go a familiar voice giggled mercilessly. Before I could question it any further, pain had filled my lungs, as the blood froze over in the murky black and indigo waters, my throat screamed in pain.

Jolting forward from my bed, a scream erupted from my mouth, the noise piercing my ears. Before I could resolve myself, the door burst open and slammed shut as arms wrapped tightly around me in a warm comforting embrace. Startled, I stared down as they tried filling my mind with sweet nothings that felt blissful in my ears at the time "W-whats Wrong?.. Are You Alright?" Papyrus questioned, staring down at me. "I-I just had a bad dream...." I explained, embarrassed about the concern, yet enjoying the attention and the worry he held towards me. Leaning my head agaisnt his chest, I wrapped my arms lightly around him, pulling him all the way down onto the bed next to me. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could sense the gentle smile on his face as he wrapped his hand round my head gently. "It's Alright.... I'm Here" he started to stroke at my hair gently. In a way, I felt guilty, it felt as if he was doing this because he thought he was owing me something after the kiss we shared, but if it was something deeper in comfort, compassion, or lust, either way, I wanted in.

My heart quickened in pace at his compassion, as I couldn't help but hold him tighter, staring up at his face, I leant forward in an act of bravely, he seem to understand where I was going and leant down making it easier for me to kiss him. That's when my mind started to wonder my hands lower on his back, his cheeks just as tinted as mine. As I explored every bump and crevice his bones had to offer under his shirt, he soon escaped the kiss, staring down at me warmly. I knew he was orginally going to stop me, but then his face softened when we both began to realize how this would be the only chance we'd get for a good kick of dopamine for god who knows how long.

Pulling off his dress shirt, his eyes met mine again "..May I?..." was all he uttered, as his finger tips started to play with the hem of my top. "You may" I answered back, as his hand traveled up my shirt. First he caressed my back as he drew me back into a loving kiss, licking across his teeth, I craved more from this pile of bones, I was shocked when he gently opened his jaw and a tongue licked mine back. Drawing back, I had peek at the glowing red tongue that slipped out, matching the same hue on his cheek bones. Not in the mood to question logic this late at night, I let his tongue enter my mouth, as we spent some time twirling and exploring each other's mouths and other places. Being completely distracted by lust, I yelped in surprise when his hands had gotten up to my breasts.

Laughing lightly, he kissed the top of my head "Did I Startle You?" he breathed against my skin. "J-just surprised" I answered, my hands being busy with the buttons on his stripped shirt. Squeezing a little more, he was testing my comfort zone to see how far he could take this. Letting out a small sweet moan he responded with slipping his hand under my bra and massaging them carefully, making me moan in excitement with each movement.

Yanking his shirt off of his shoulder blades, I caused him to stop for a brief moment, before we both started a fierce stripping frenzy leaving us both in underwear. Letting my eyes linger down his body, I was extremely surprised by discovering a tent in his boxers. But I mean, who wouldn't be? It's a skeleton for Pete's sake, seriously, this isn't deviant art, this is a mafia's bedroom. However, getting over my shocked nature, a sense of curiosity began to spread through my head. My hand reached down and felt over the hard bump as he let out a pleasurable moan. The craving grew in my stomach, starting to make my nerves impatient. This might not be my first time doing this dance, but it may as well have been, considering how rare the excitement felt in my veins, how new this felt to me again.

Forcing him back into a kiss, I shoved my hands down his pelvis, and fondled his member, enjoying the rumble of his ribs with each moan. I could feel his hands pulling at my bra, then unclipping it and slipping it off of me with ease as he retracted his face and started licking at each nipple, that licking soon transforming into sucking as I melted against him. Both of us knew we need to hurry up, we both were starved addicts of caressing another warm body even more,however we still were fearful of getting caught red handed. Slipping off his boxers, he pulled off my panties as he held at my hips, staring down at me as my eyes lingered down to his hued red member. "Are You Ready?" he chimed, adding a kiss to my cheek as I signaled a nod for him to continue.

None of us cared that he wasn't using protection, or that I didn't think this over any more than going by my instincts. The only thing we felt after I positioned over him for the next six minutes was pure bliss. We felt like rulers of the night in those heated, stuffy moments, a position that we thought was well earned for our sacrifices of sanity.  The fast, rushed movements in the pale moon light, and the intense boiling feelings that were drowning our heads had us sprawled out in the sheets once the short high was over.

After our climaxes diminished from our nerves, we both laid there defeated as the warm feeling inside of me had finally kept this time after we were broken apart. Our exhausted panting was the only sounds in room that kept the bed living, as my mind soon tumbled back down to reality, my conscious had finally realized that I had just fucked a freaking skeleton. And then there came the long winded storm inside my head of internal shame, yet something inside of me felt the right to say that it was worth it in the end.

[I am so sorry, I regret writing this in the plot years back, however I am determined to live up to what I wrote down on this pathetic napkin.

Also I kind of like how you can tell where my co writer, Ash had stopped writing, and where I had to fill in for her because she was too embarrassed to finish her writing. I kind of like to think that her writing is more directly saying what is happening, as mine is more vague and metaphorical of what's going on, kind of like no drugs vs drugs in a way

Either way, have fun you rule 34 people, you're gonna have a field day on this one]

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