are you some internet stripper lady

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The following day, Luke had sent his daily picture of himself with the caption, 'send nudes'.  I replied with just a simple picture of my face, mid-eye roll.  What he sent me next, was definitely not Luke, but some colorful haired boy.

The new boy who appeared to have stolen Luke's phone started sending me messages.

lukehemmings: are you some internet stripper lady?

bigbootyhoe: nope, just some innocent teen who chose a really awesome username

lukehemmings: i approve of this

I don't know why, but getting the approval of this stranger made me smile and have a bit more confidence in myself at that moment.

lukehemmings: btw luke talks about you all the time

lukehemmings: like aaalllll the time

lukehemmings: he's obsessed with you

bigbootyhoe: thank you for letting me know, stranger

I laughed to myself, I didn't know I was something to obsess about.  I was just literal trash.

lukehemmings: what'd michael say, i can't see the messages anymore

bigbootyhoe: i guess you'll never find out ;)

lukehemmings: oh come on, you love me so you should tell me

lukehemmings: pretty please?

bigbootyhoe: he didn't say anything too interesting, just that you had like, 4 std's.

bigbootyhoe: nothing to worry about really, i have like 7 according to me username

lukehemmings: ha ha you're so funny

lukehemmings: i'll just get it out of michael later





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