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next day, 8:04 a.m

"Mollie! Mollie wake up and open the door!" One of her brothers yelled waking her up. She jumped up once she realized Ronald was still in her bed.

"Get up." She whispered and shook him. He groaned out pulling her closer to him.

"Come one don't do this. You got to get up now." Ronald slept hard, he was hard to wake up.

He finally opened his eyes, she continued to shake him.

"I'm up." He said with base in his voice.

"Shh." Mollie scolded him not wanting her brothers to hear.

"Come on get up, you got to leave right now." She slid out of bed and wrapped her robe around her naked body. Ronald searched for his clothes in a rush thinking of a way to quietly get out the window.

"Mollie! We got some where to be! Get up!" Marty banged on her door hard making her jump.

"I'm up!" She yelled back. Once he was fully dressed, he scooped Mollie up hugging her close.

"I love you." He said after kissing her lips.

"I love you too." She smiled. He then turned around and climbed out her window shutting it back.

Mollie opened her door and came face to face with Marty. He pushed her aside and sniffed in the room.

"Manny!" He called. Honestly she forgot all about the smell of sex still lingering in the room.

"It smells like sex up in here don't it?" Marty asked looking at his sister once Manny got into the room.

"Just a little bit." Manny sniffed.

"Will you guys stop? Always trying to start something." She laughed it off like they were playing.

"Anyways where are we going that we need to be up so early?" She yawed rubbing her neck which was sore.

"The park, you know the City Year is doing a fun day. Water slides, water games, ice cream, balloons and all of that. We're all going." Manny informed. Mollie made a O shape with her mouth and nodded.

Mollie turned around to go take a bath in her parents room. She loved their bath tub but now wasn't the time to take a bath. She needs to take a quick shower and throw something on.

Once the water was hot enough she stepped in and let the water soothe her neck. It was sore from sleeping in a weird position. Last night Rj wouldn't let her out of his arms and she needed to learn her head back but couldn't.

She washed the soap off her body and stepped out. Using one of the plush towels she dried her body off and wrapped her mothers robe around her body.

She walked to her room and closed and locked her door. Mollie picked out a bikini set to wear under her t-shirt and shorts.

Only thing left to do was brush her teeth and the group was ready to go. Mollie opened her door and saw Ronald in her living room dressed in a tank top and some gym shorts. Their eyes met and Ronald's scanned her body taking in her outfit. The shorts she had on were too short and tight for his liking but he wouldn't express the problem now.

The bunch left once everyone was ready.


It was pretty hot out but the day was beautiful. Kids were running around and it seemed like the group were the only big kids there. It was all ages so no one really cared.

"I wanna go into the water ballon fight!" Mollie said.

"Wait let's look at the map first." Jr. suggested.

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