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"You sure you don't want me to call one of our mom's to watch them?" Mollie asked as she gathered her things to head out the door.

"Mollie I can handle my own kids." Ronald rolled his eyes at her.

She smirked

"Okay see you guys later, I won't be gone for that long." She said waving at the twins then shutting the door close.

She was off to her first appointment to speak with a therapist. Of course she was nervous, she was basically telling someone her personal trauma and wrong doings. In the end she hoped that it would help. She just wanted to feel normal again.

Pulling up to the therapist's office she took in the red brick building. It looked just like a house not a business place, but maybe that was to keep the patients comfy? Mollie looked at the paper and memorized the therapist's name.


Mollie took a deep breath and then got out of her car and entered the building. A bell went off indicating someone entered. The receptionist gave her a warm smile encouraging her to come to the desk. She was an old black women, big glasses, wild afro, with a fresh white manicure.

"Hello, I'm here to see Ms.Brooks." Mollie spoke returning the warm smile.

"You can go right on back, second door to the left." The lady pointed.

"Thank you." Mollie followed her directions and opened a door to a lady in a room
full of plants.

She was sitting at a desk that was across from a couch and a bean bag. The plants aligned the room making the room have a good nature smell that relaxed her.

"Hello." She spoke as her long nails pulled her glasses off. She was a black woman too, her hair was in locs that was pinned up in a bun. She was so pretty to Mollie.

"Hi, sit here?" Mollie pointed to the couch.

"You can stand up, whatever makes you comfortable." Ms.Brooks smiled.

Mollie took a seat on the couch and watched as Ms.Brooks wrote stuff down in her note pad.

"So my name is Brook, Brook Brooks. I'm
from Brooklyn, weird I know. My mother was so New York. I'm 43, I've been a therapist for 15 years but everyday I'm learning more and more from my clients and the people i meet." She introduced herself.

"I'm Mollie Peters, I come from a very large family being the only sister. I'm 19, I have a set of twins. Roland and Raydon, 6 months old. I'm currently unemployed. That's pretty much all." Mollie shrugged. Brook nodded and wrote down little things in her pad.

"So just to get a little deeper, I need to know more. Where are you staying, who is all apart of the house hold?" Brook explained

"I'm currently living with my children's father. It's just us and the kids. My brother and his girlfriend, which is my best friend with their little girl stay a couple apartments down." Mollie stated.

"Okay and the kid's father. How is the relationship between y'all? What do you feel for him?" She asked writing more in her pad.

"Um well, I love him. We aren't together but we aren't seeing anyone else. It's not something we sat down and talked about our life is just so busy we don't have time. Well I know I don't. Ronald, that's his name, takes care of his family well and is greatly appreciated. We've been on and off since my junior year. I just feel like I ruined us." Mollie said fiddling with her fingers.

"Explain if it's not too hard." Brook gave her a look of sympathy.

"I'm going to have to talk about it anyway so why not. During my pregnancy I had suspicions of his cheating and he just started treating me poorly so I broke off ties with him and didn't talk to him for a while after the twins for born. Like a month or two, I met someone towards the end of my senior year." Mollie choked up reaching for a tissue.

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