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1 week later, wednesday, 11:02 p.m.

"We can't keep sneaking around." Rj groaned in Mollie's ear as he pounded softly into her. 

She said nothing just trying her best to be quiet.

"Mhmmm!" She squealed once he found her spot hitting it over and over again building up her orgasm.

He pulled out leaving the tip at her entrance as he stared down at her.

"What are you doing?" She whispered because she knew her brothers were still up.

"I'm trying not to nut fast." He said looking up at the ceiling before going back to work inside of her.

Mollie had been giving him hell and he knew this was what she needed. She missed him that was all.

The two laid down when they finished. Both caught up in their own thoughts not even noticing the time.

"Well I have to go. I have a class at 10 tomorrow morning." He sighed putting his shirt on.

"I love you." Mollie said pulling the cover over her body.

"I love you more." He kissed her forehead the continued to exit out the window.


Mollie stood at the sink brushing her teeth with Marty in silence. She was tired as hell because she didn't go to sleep till 1 last night.

"You not going to eat breakfast?" Mason asked stuffing his face with french toast sticks.

"Yessss."Mollie began eating just a little bit so her stomach wouldn't be growling during school.

The rest of them began to walk to school. Mollie just hoped she didn't have to suffer from morning sickness.

"What y'all doing after school?" Mars asked looking down at his phone.

"Nothing study and sleep." Mollie said adjusting her bag.

"That's all you ever do." Marquis said rolling his eyes.

"What you tryna get into Mars?"Jr. asked.

Mollie was out of it as she walked to school not caring what the boys were saying. She was glad Rj was happy, at least she had two people supporting her.

Soon she would be showing more and everyone would know. They would just have to live with it. She knew it was her fault but now this was her responsibility to take care of.

Mollie sat in 1st period bored, it was also hot because the air wasn't working for some reason. Being hot made Mollie sick. All of a sudden the french toast started coming back up. She hurried and ran to the back where the trash can. Luckily she made it in time.

"Mrs.Petters do you need to go to the nurse or the office?" The teacher asked.

"Yes please." She had to get out this school.

She went to the front office and waited to use the phone. Once her mother was for sure on her way she took a seat.

About 10 minutes later Max walked through the office doors. He signed her out and she followed him out the door.

"You didn't have any classes today?" She asked because he was always at school except for the weekends.

"Nope." He simply said.

They pulled into the complex and he park in front of Emma's apartment.

"Why are we here." Mollie asked taking her seat belt off.

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