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It was the next morning and Max nor Marchello slept a wink. Marchello hadn't taken his eyes off his computer trying to figure out what was going on. Max was full of insomnia, too worried about everything else to even think about sleep.

"What the fuck is going on." Marchello and Max's dad asked as he came through the door's of Marchello's office.

"Dad we-" Max started.

"No when I handed over this drug shit to y'all I didn't mean for y'all to half ass. Your momma thinks I left that shit alone a long time ago, how am I going to tell her about this shit without her asking questions? Y'all are being too damn sloppy! This shit supposed to go smooth as baby butt, this is messy get back shit. Do y'all know how much trauma y'all are putting your sister in? Every time y'all do something they are going to aim at her. Why?Because that is the family gem." Micheal huffed.

"Dad we know but this time we don't know what it's about." Marchello said honestly.

"Don't you think your jackass needs to figure it out?" Micheal asked.

"I just told you this wasn't my fuc-" Max cit them off.

"This back and forth ain't going to do nothing but give them more time with her." Max said standing up.

"We need all hands on deck for this mission."


Mollie gasped for air after water poured over her face. Her chest heaved up and down as she kept her eyes shut tight not wanting to open them.

"Look at me." A deep voice said. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"You know who I am?" A light skin man with a deep scar that started from the middle of his forehead and slanted over his left eye leaving his grey and stopped right before it reached his cheek. He was real tall, with a low hair cut.

"Answer me!" He barked making her flinch. She shook her head quickly. She tried to move her legs but they were chained to the bed she was in and so were her arms.

"Good." He chuckled.


"Sir sir!" The nurse ran behind Rj and he marched through Marchello's mansion.

"Aye!" He called as he heard the three bickering from the other side of the door.

"The fuck going on?" Rj said hooked up to a heart monitor and fluid. The heart monitor beeped frequently but you didn't need that to tell he was upset.

"We don't know yet." Max said calmly.

"Nigga what y'all mean y'all don't know? Every time some shit pop off Mollie in the middle and it leads back to y'all." Rj said getting closer the Max.

"You better sit down before I bust another cap in your shoulder you in my shit. We just as confused as you." Marchello said

"How y'all don't know?" Rj asked.

"Nigga what do you mean? This is the drug game, niggas die every day!" Max said making a call.

Rj phone started to ring he looked at it and decided on answering it.

"I'll be right back mane." He huffed stepping out side the doors.

"Wassam?" He spoke.

"You still coming over to see the pictures?" The feminine voice said softly over the phone.

"I'm caught up today. Why don't you just send them to me?" He tired to negotiate.

"Sure, I just wanted to talk in person that's all. How's wifey?" She said slyly.

"She straight, keepin a nigga happy." He bragged.

"That's good. I'll see you later then, make some time for me tomorrow."

"Alright then." He hung up.

"Look did Mollie have her apple watch on?" Marchello asked.

"Yeah ever since I bought it she don't take it off. You think they got it or possibly threw it somewhere close?" Rj asked. Marchello nodded typing stuff in his computer.

"Bingo." He said.

He turned the computer around and began to explain what was on the screen. He could trace her watch but obviously it wasn't on her. Either she was dead or the watch was taken off because it wasn't recording her pulse anymore. Max copied the address where it was last on at.

"So do you go out now and look? Or are y'all just going to sit here in silence like dumbasses?" Micheal scoffed.

"Yeah dad, we haven't even thought about how we going to do this. Do we want to scope out the scene or dive straight in?" Marchello cleared up.

"Well of course you scope out the scene! Let's go!" Micheal said grabbing his jacket and heading to the door.

"Wait I need some clothes on." Rj said in only underwear and a hospital gown.


After the men looked around and got different clues they all went back to Marchello's house. Ronald ended up leaving to go to Gem's house to at least clear the situation up with her.

"Ma, will you please sit down somewhere." Ronald said rocking Roland.

"Sit down? Why aren't you standing up? Crying? The mother of your kids are gone, why aren't you upset?" Gem said picking up around the living.

"I am upset believe me, that's my best friend but crying and having a fit won't solve anything. I'm already on it." Ronald replied looking down at Raydon.

"Why would this even happen?" Gem asked finally sitting down.

"I have no clue, but like I said we're working on it mom. She'll be home soon." Ronald said kissing the twins.

"Don't leave the house ma, just stay inside till this blows over. If you need anything call me and i'll get it and bring it." Ronald said sternly. All Gem could do was nod.

Ronald left and headed to his next destination. He pulled up to the house on the other side of town. It was a earthy green color with a white porch. He climbed up the steps and knocked on the door. It slowly swung open.

"Hey." Cicely said.

"Hey" Ronald said.

"Wanna come in?" She asked.

"No I feel more comfortable sitting on the porch." Ronald insisted.

"That's fine, I could use the fresh air." She shrugged and wrapped her robe around her stepping onto the porch.

"So explain." Ronald said sitting next to her.

"Well like a month ago, I missed my period. Which was weird because I've never missed one. So I went an got a test a couple weeks ago and it showed up positive. And here we are, my next appointment is next week. I'm 8 weeks, so a good two months." Cicely said rubbing her protruding belly.

"Damn." Ronald mumbled.

"You know I'm with Mollie, like that's my wife? How am I going to tell her?" Ronald spoke up.

"Well you know her best, just don't wait too late." Cecily shrugged.

"Damn man." Ronald stressed.

"It's okay Rj, I'm not bitter, I do not envy your woman. I respect y'all relationship, I just want the father of my child to be in his or her's life. That's it." Cecily said patting his back.

"I just don't want her to get the wrong idea." Ronald said.

"Oh trust me, she won't. If you explain it right, even I'll talk to her if you want." Cecily suggested.

"Nah, I'll figure it out though. Thank you, text me the appointment details." Ronald stood you and hugged her.

He decided to go back to Marchello's house and keep on digging with them. He couldn't let his woman be gone for too long it was killing him.

"Damn Mo where are you?" He thought.

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