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July 30th, 8:15

Mollie drove to the school for dance try outs. She had been on the team for four years now but you still had to try out to keep it fair.

Today it was hot but at least the wind was blowing. She had been working out slightly and eating better food choices instead of anything. Her dance uniforms were fitting a little snug so she hoped she could loose a little weight.

Once she stepped out the car, the heat hit her like a slap in the face. Mollie hurried and stepped into the air conditioned gym. She found her a place to sit down and soon she began to stretch.

There wasn't a lot of new girls trying out this year. Only a good handful. Mollie looked at her competition closely. She wasn't impressed nor intimidated.

She was given a number and it was 8. They had been practicing for a week on a dance routine to preform at try outs. Mollie knew it like the back of her hand.

"Okay numbers 1,5,8,16 and 14 step forward." They all stepped forward to preform.


Mollie watched the last group preform as she gulped down her Powerade.

It took the judges about a hour to get the results together and put them in envelopes. Everyone got one but it was what was inside that counted.

"Mollie, now you know you can't open it until you are off school campus." Her dance sponsor reminded her. Mollie nodded then took the envelope and left.

She tossed it in the passenger side and waited till she got home to open it.

"Mom! Come open it with me." Mollie yelled as she walked through the house.

"I don't see why you do this every year when you know you are going to make it." Milo said coming out the bath room.

"Okay let's see the results." Her mom said.

Mollie ripped the envelope open and unfolded the papers and started reading.

"I made it!" She jumped around. Even though she knew she was going to make it she was still surprised. It felt like when she first got excepted.

"I knew you would make it." Her mom smiled then walked back into the kitchen.

Mollie was very happy. She walked into her room and laid down. She had been feeling sluggish lately but it was probably from all the working out she's been doing.

She laid down and closed her eyes drifting off into her daily naps.


Meanwhile Rj and Max were touring the college they were both going to. Max already had some of his stuff pack but Rj didn't.

Honestly he didn't want to leave his mother's house. He didn't wanna leave high school and miss seeing Mollie's face. He couldn't keep his eyes on her 24/7 like usual. Yeah, he trusted her but he loved watching her. She was something he couldn't get enough of.

Max still had no clue of them and they wanted to keep it this way till Mollie's graduation day or some time after.

They both figured since she wasn't under her parent's roof any more it wouldn't be as hard on her. Rj wanted to tell Max but under Mollie's wishes he kept his mouth shut.

"Damn I'm going to miss Emma." Max said rubbing the back of his neck.

Emma was his second girl he ever had and he wanted her to be his last. Over the past few months they've been together it's been the best time of his life. He doesn't love her yet and nor does she love him but it was pretty close.

"You must like her a lot?" Rj asked. He hadn't seen him this head over heels in a while.

"Yeah, she's perfect." Max said as they walked back to the car.

"You still haven't found you a girl to run behind?" Max laughed unlocking the vehicle.

Should I say yes or should I say no?

Rj thought, what if this is a trap and he knows already? Rj decided to just shake his head no in response.

"Why not? You know Mia still likes you." Max and Rj chuckled together.

"No I actually am talking to this girl but I'm just waiting so see how it turns out." Rj shrugged not wanting to say to much.

Max just nodded turning up the radio as they made their way back home.


it's finna pop off!

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