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3 more weeks later

"I just feel like we don't need to go get them professionally done. They are only turning six months, Yes when they turn one that's fine but 6 months Mo? We can literally do it on our phone." Ronald said talking me out of getting their pictures done.

"Okay okay your right. I just want to capture everything." I laughed.

"That's why you have the walgreens app and it's like 5 dollars for 50 pictures." Ronald shook his head and put his dishes in the sink.

The twins made 6 months tomorrow and I guess I would take them to Gem's house and set up everything in her back yard since it was beautiful and so natural back there for pictures.

"Okay well while you're gone at work I'll go by your mom's house and do the pictures and I'm pretty sure I'll have them ready by the time you get home." I assured him as I got up as well to put my plate in the sink.

"I'll wash them when I get back." I said grabbing the house and gym key.

"Mo..." He trailed off  about the scold me.

"I'm fine Ronald. My doctor said this was good for me, plus I need to get back in shape." I said as I grabbed two waters out the refrigerator.

I just started working out this week since my doctors took my stitches out and said it was okay for me to work out just not anything excessive. I did a lot of cardio and it honestly felt good. Since Ronald had a gym in his complex, I took advantage of it as soon as he got home from work. He would get the kids ready for bed while I worked out and by the time I got home the kids would be bathed, fed and asleep. He would have already took his shower and then I would clean the kitchen if it was dirty and take him. Sometimes he'd be asleep by the time I got home too.

Running was a good way to get my frustrations out, throughout the day I contemplated my whole life. I wouldn't necessarily say I was a horrible person but maybe if I did things different things wouldn't be so hard.

Ronald reminds me that I am a good mother, but how can he look at me everyday? Knowing I was with his cousin, almost got the kids murder, and now he's letting me stay in his home? No questions asked? My mom says it's love but I think he feels sympathy for me, which I do not want. I'm just tired of being this emotional wreck and problem maker.

After I was done with my work out which was about an hour long, I made my way back to the apartment. Max was sitting outside of his door and I could tell he had just finished smoking because I could still smell it in the air.

"Wassup sis?" He said dapping me down.

"Nothing just came from the gym." I shrugged.

"Y'all still ain't have sex?" He asked and I gasped hitting him on his shoulder with my sweat towel.

"Oh my gosh shut up! That is inappropriate, why would we?" I asked with a hand on my hip.

"You forget that's my best friend, he tells me everything. Not y'all sex though because that's weird." He fake gagged.

"I just thought maybe y'all would, I don't know, made up by now. Maybe y'all should talk." He said raising a brow at me, I shook my head in disagreement.

"No I just don't think he wants to go through that again just whenever I get situated I'm going to look for my own place and move out." I said folding my arms over my chest.

"Good luck with that." He said with a hint of amusement in his chest. I couldn't decide whether he was doubting me or if he thought Ronald would let me leave.

"I'm about to go inside to the Devil now, I love you though,kid." He stood and kissed my forehead then spit.

"Ew you're salt as hell, gross get out my face because you didn't warn me." He scolded.

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