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It had been a couple of days since their talk. Mollie felt better and was getting over the situation and so was Tyrez. Everything was going good in the household.

It was a saturday evening, the sun was shining and the heat actually felt good. The family was taking a walk in the park, Mollie wanted to spend as much time as possible with Tyrez and the kids all together.

"So you're birthday is coming up. What do you want to do for it?" Tyrez asked as they continued to walk about the park.

"Most likely nothing. No birthday party, nothing. I just want to spend time with y'all." She smiled.

"Well i'm going to get you something anyways so don't tell me you don't want anything." He said already knowing what she was going to say next.

"Okay whatever." She laughed.

The two sat on the bench, resting. Tyrez took Rayden out of the stroller and fixed his bucket hat on his head.

"Did you put sunscreen on them?" Tyrez asked feeling Ray's hot face.

"Of course I did." She said feeling Roland's face who was sleeping peacefully in the stroller.

"Their face is just warm from this heat they're okay." She said kissing on Raydon's face earning a giggle from him.

"After this we're dropping them off at my mom's house. She wants them for a day or two. You know she likes to keep them held hostage." Mollie snickered.

"Let's go, I'm ready to get you home anyway." Tyrez smirked standing up with Ray.

She stood up as well catching his drift. It had been awhile since they had sex and Mollie was ready now.

"So how do you like work?" She asked as they rode to her mom's house.

"I honestly like it. It's not to hard or stressful it's something I could do for a long time." He said grabbing her hand and holding it.

Mollie talked to her mom for a minute and Tyrez stood behind her talking when spoke to. The twins started whining in their seats.

"Okay momma babies be good for nana. I'll be back tomorrow." Mollie pouted.

"Girl no, tuesday." Her mom interjected picking Ray up.

"I'll be back soon." Mollie rolled her eyes picking up Roland as well kissing all over her face.

"Bye man." Tyrez said squeezing Raydon's cheek. He kissed Roland's little hand before Mollie handed him off to her mom.

"Thanks mom see you later." They left and continued their journey home.

Mollie was damn near sleep on the passenger side and Tyrez smiled looking over at her pretty face. He rubbed her hand gently as they rode in silence. Tyrez loved her in so many ways and it was making him a better person.

"Babe we're home." He shook her a little. She rubbed her eyes and proceeded to follow him into their home.

"You want something to eat?" Tyrez asked as he went into the kitchen. As always she was following him.

"Do we still have some watermelon? I'm not hungry just in a snack mood." She asked before looking in the refrigerator. He nodded looking in the cabinets.

"After your appointment tomorrow we need to go grocery shopping." He said eating some chips.

"I know." She whined hugging onto him tightly.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed her back.

"My nipples are sore and my back hurts." She said feeling sleepy again.

"Period?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's almost time for it to come on." She said grabbing her watermelon and bringing it upstairs.

They laid in bed together. Tyrez rubbed her thighs, as she watched tv and ate. He admired her, it was the little things she did that amazed him.

He got closer and kissed on her face putting his whole weight on her.

"Tyrez I can't breathe." she mumbled rubbing his back.

"What that got to do with me?" He said making her laugh.

She let him suck on her ear lobe making her feel good. She continued to drag her nails up and down his back giving him chills. He tugged at her shirt letting her know he wanted it off.

"Tyrez they're sore, and if you suck on them you finna get a mouth full of milk." She said looking at him hover over her.

He ignored her, knowing what he was doing, and kissed down her neck to her breasts. He kissed around her nipple and gently licked them. She groaned feeling pleasure as her legs lifted up. She pulled his shirt up and he pulled it off and pulled her shorts off for her, then his own.

"What if it hurts?" She said holding his arm.

"I'll go slow baby." He soothed her with his words.

He entered slowly and groaned out feeling her wet insides. Surprisingly, she wasn't hurting. They moaned out in unison, missing this feeling.

He looked down at her, they both stared into each other's eyes. Mollie loved when he bit his lips, it made everything 10x sexier. He stroked her slow earning her little whines to come out her mouth.

"You love me?" He said speeding up, she yelled out every time he entered.

"Yes." She dragged out breathlessly feeling her cervix being touched. Her hands cupped his face as she bit her bottom lip feeling all of him.

"I want to get on top." She moaned out.

He slowed down before pulling out and laying on his back.

She held him in her small hand and slowly slid down on him. She squatted on her feet with a hand on his leg as she got comfortable. Mollie loved hearing his light moans as she gave it her all.

He slapped her back side hard and grabbed at it. She leaned down and bounced slowly moaning into his ear.

"You feel so good Mo." He groaned.

"Get up Mo." He warned feeling himself about to cum.

She didn't listen, she kept on going because she wasn't finished. She felt his nails dig into her sides fueling her pleasure. They came at the same time and stared at eat other out of breath.

"You been taking your medicine?" He asked as she still sat on him.

"Yeah, but tomorrow I get the other one installed." She said laying beside him.

"Good cause you can't keep going when I say stop." He laughed rubbing on her back.

"I know, but It felt too good." She yawed snuggling under him and pulling the covers off.

"I love you." She spoke up rubbing the side of his neck.

"I love you more." He kissed her forehead and squeezed her tight.


I forgot i even wrote this. I'm sorry you guys I could've been updated.

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