11. Head of the Revolution

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"Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same
Though the truth may vary
This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore."

::Little Talks- Of Monsters and Men::


Party sat me down at a table away from the others. Jet seemed to notice what was going on, and whispered into Ghoul's ear. Ghoul told something to the girl and Dylan, then walked over to where we sat, followed by Jet and Kobra. Dylan remained at the table with his friend.

"Freia, we've been talking it over..." Party began as his friends sat across from me.

"You want me to stay." I finished for him. Party nodded.

"We could really use your help here. You're a very skilled fighter, even though you aren't experienced." Jet added.

"Yeah, and it will be safe for you and Dylan. We can protect you. I don't know where you two can be safe now." Ghoul told me.

"Look, guys, I don't belong here." I replied, looking down at my hands.

"Bullshit." Kobra retorted.

"It's true though. I've been here for a week. What do I know about being a Killjoy? I know I can never live the same life I did before, but I have to try. You are the most wanted group of Killjoys in all of the Zones. You guys are on the top of the list of people to bring down. It's not safe for Dylan."

The four men fell silent.

"I'm going to take a walk." I stood up.

"Freia, please." Party pleaded with me. I ignored him. Not because I was mad, but I didn't know how to react properly in this situation. I stepped outside, inhaling the toxic air. The radioactive sun beat down on my exposed skin. I missed the fresh air from when I was younger. I missed the trees and the rain. I used to not have to hide from the rain, because back then, it wasn't pouring acid. I kicked a rock as I walked away from the diner, and down the road.

"Hold up!"

I turned around. Party was jogging towards me. He stopped right in front of me, panting.

"I told you, I can't stay here. Me and Dylan can be out in a few days."

"Can I explain some things first?" Party asked. I huffed.

"Alright." I started walking again. Party walked alongside me.

"When the world went to shit, we were the only Killjoys. It was just the four of us and Dr. D. Then came Show Pony, who you met a few days ago, and a good friend of mine, Cherri Cola. For two years, it was just us, but then more rebels appeared. They fled from the slums of Battery City and out to the Zones because they found out about us. We became famous, just from killing. That's not how I like to be honored. But we also serve as a sign of hope, a flicker of a better future. All of this hair dye and weird outfits are to prove a point; We are not BLI. We are the revolution." Party told me his elaborate story.

"What does that prove?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Being the head of a revolution gets lonely, especially when you've been stuck with the same group of guys for the past four years. I consider you a friend now. I trust you."

I blinked in shock.

'He trusted me?'

"What happened to the whole 'I-don't-trust-anyone' thing?" I smirked. Party rolled his eyes at me, but I could tell that he was amused.

"I don't know. You changed that."

I stopped walking.

"I'll stay, but one one condition; Dylan is the number one priority. If it comes down to my life or his, you save him."

Party clapped his hands gleefully.

"Of course." He grinned.

We walked together back into the diner.

"Guess who's sticking around?" Party beamed.

"FUCK YEAH!" Ghoul jumped out of his seat.

"Thank god you're staying!" Jet sighed in relief.

Kobra nodded in approval.

"We're staying?" Dylan ran up to me.

"I suppose so." I told my little brother, who sprinted over towards Ghoul.

"Did you hear that? We're staying!" Dylan cheered. Ghoul picked the little boy up, putting him on his shoulders.

"You're gonna get to be a real Killjoy!" Ghoul smiled up at him. Dylan squealed with glee.

"First things first..." Jet walked towards me and Party. "You need a code name. BLI has your files, and it will be harder to find you with a different name."

"But I like my name. I don't think a new name would suit me."

"Awe, c'mon. I'm sure we can think of something cool." Ghoul argued, taking Dylan off of his shoulders.

"I think I'll just stick with Freia. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Party nodded.

"That's alright."

"Perfect! So how do I go about doing things now?"

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