38. A Storm is Coming

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    The rumble of distant engines brought us to attention.

"This is it." Party told us, his face still hidden under Mousekat.

"I'm scared." Dylan pinned himself right next to me.

"So am I, but we'll be okay." I wrapped my arms around the fragile little boy.

He was too young for this.

"You guys ready?" Jet grit his teeth, reaching out for the door handle.

"Lets kick some ass!" Ghoul roared, shoving Jet out of the way and kicking open the wooden door. Without thinking, we rushed back out into the desert. Ten Dracs and a heavily guarded Korse were zooming towards us.

"FUCKING COME AT ME!" Hollered Ghoul, his arms outstretched. A Drac fired a bullet, allowing Ghoul to slide away from his imminent doom as if it were a dodge ball.

"You can do better than that!" Kobra taunted, proceeding to kill the Drac that fired first.

All hell broke loose. Beams of different coloured lights flew through the air. For a split second, it was beautiful. Almost like fireworks.

I felt like a champion in that moment. The barren landscape gave me the strength to fight the enemy. My hope increased when I killed with my friends.

In that moment, I was free.

Until that feeling drained out of me like the sand we stood our ground on.

Korse was standing in front of us, the fight was brought to a cease. We had killed many Dracs, but a small group still remained.

We were exhausted, and the five of us were aching from trying to protect the two children still in our care.

"You know why I'm here, don't you." Korse planted his feet firmly to the rocky surface.

"You can't have her." I seethed, putting my arm around Missile.

"She belongs to Better Living Industries. She is required to come back with me." Korse informed me.

"No, she belongs to no one!" Dylan stamped his boot in anger. Korse looked at the boy with fascination.

"Ah, Dylan. I've heard so much about you." He smiled coldly.

"Back the fuck off!" Ghoul ordered.

"Let's settle this, then." Korse lifted his gun. Party at some point in the fight had lost the Mousekat head, and his neck was coated in blood. It wasn't his. He pulled his yellow mask over his eyes.

'Die with your mask on, if you have to.'

When Party aimed his gun at the group of B.L.I employees, the rest of us followed.

'And remember,'

I heard the sound of what seemed like a million guns being fired all at once. My vision started to turn black, and I felt my body slowly fall towards the ground. My gun tumbled out of my hand. The boys screamed in anger and surprise.


My head let out a gut-wrenching crack when it hit a rock. Party's voice was heard in my ringing eardrums, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

'Killjoys never die.'

Dylan cried out in fear, but I was already out cold. Missile squeaked when a Drac grabbed her, carrying her away. Dylan yelled my name when they took him, but I was utterly powerless.

"Keep running." Korse almost cackled, his voice filled with agitation, yet also with pride.

He had won.

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