Chapter 35: Why Can't You Be Her?

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"You're so beautiful baby I couldn't even begin to describe." He says kissing me letting his fingertips skim softly over my bare waist. That's one of the reasons I loved to wear crop tops but I also hated it because I knew sometime he used it against me.

I was in the backseat with him and I'm not really sure where we are. I hum against his lips softly. "Yeah yeah." I say with a smile. He nudges his face into my neck. "Baby..." He whines gripping my hips. I run my fingers through his hair. "You are such a child Evan." He kisses my jaw softly. "I'm not but I just don't see why you can't believe me." I huff.

"You should know it's a girl thing and besides you have to say I'm beautiful."  He lifts his face kissing me. "No baby I don't have to. I don't have to love you. I choose to. Always remember that. No ones has to love you but if they really do they'll choose to."

I stare at him breathlessly. "I've never told you Evan..." I say pushing him to lay his head on the window as I climb onto his lap. "Never told me what?" I hum. "How amazing you are to me. How good looking you are. I've never told you." I lean into him. "Let me?" He swallows nodding. I kiss him softly.

"You are perfect to me. You're everything I've ever dreamed of. I can't even begin to tell you how lucky I am. I'm so happy I have you." He rubs a finger over my cheek. "Is that all?" He says with a small smile and I blush. "I'm not as good as you at being touching." He kisses me. "You did fine baby girl. I love you." I kiss him back humming.

When I pull back he reaches his arms out locking his fingers in mine. "Babe where are we?" I ask softly and he smiles up at me. "Come on I'll show you." He moves me quickly and I whine. He roughly pulls my lips to his.  He hums. "I'll always love that." He gets out before I can reply pulling me out as well.

The outside looks barren and the sky is a dark grey like a storm is moving in. I cling to his arm. "Evan..." He hears it in my voice. "Baby girl everything is fine. I promise." I hide my face in his arm. "You know how I feel about storms baby." I say softly. He shakes his arm gently.

"Then we can leave. Go anywhere." I huff. "Either way it goes I'm gonna cry. I always cry." He kisses my head. "It's okay to cry Ri." I huff backing away from him. "I don't like it. I hate it actually. Always being whiny and cry over small things. I never wanted to be this kind of girlfriend." He kisses me pushing me against his car door.

"Baby I love you. So you whine. I think it's cute. So you cry. I think it's for good reasons. Don't bully yourself you are who you are." The thunder rumbles and I whine. "Come on before it starts raining. There's a place we can stay." I don't question, I just get into the car and so does he.

He drives as gas as he can to a parking lot parking. He takes my hand but the thunder has me horrified. We get out heading into the building. He steps up to the counter. "I need a cabin for two." He smiles. "One bed?" He nods. He does some computer work. "That's gonna be one fifty." My jaw drops and he swipes his card. Before I know it he's pulling me towards a cabin.

I stop at the door as he unlocks it. "One fifty?!" He kisses my head. "You are worth every dime babe." He pulls me in locking the doors before joining me on the bed. He lays on one side and I'm sitting on the other. He touches my back softly. "Baby..." He whines. I lay down feeling him pull me against him. "Gosh I feel like crap that I made you spend that much money."

He kisses softly down the back of my neck. "Don't Ri. Just relax baby." I sigh locking my fingers through the back of his pulling his arm across me so our hands laid flat on my stomach. "I'm trying." I feel him suck lightly. "You've done this before huh?" He hums.

"What babe?" I use my thumb to play with his. "This boyfriend thing." He smiles. "One other time." I chew on my lip. "Did you love her?" He kisses my cheek before laying his head in my neck. "I never could. I'm sure she probably did love me but...I just never felt it." I nod softly tightening my grip on his hand. He sighs lifting his face.

"Baby listen to me I love you okay? Don't you worry about that." The thunder cracks and I let go of his hand turning to roll into him. He kisses my head. "It's okay." He whispers softly and I look up at him. I stare for a second before leaning up to kiss him. He pulls me against him humming gaining a smile from me. "There's that beautiful girl that I love so dearly."

I roll my eyes. "Shush..." I say curling into him. "Are you tired babe?" He combs through my hair. "Yes. But I'm scared too." He kisses my head as I jump from the boom of thunder. "It's okay love, sleep. I've got you." I hum letting my eyes close. The last thing I hear is his soft whispers. "I'll do everything to keep you safe. I promise with all my heart baby. You'll never have to worry." He kisses my head and I smile humming. He nudges his nose against mine.

I eventually do doze though and when I wake up he gone. I don't think much of it until I rol over seeing his ring on the bedside table. I quickly sit up grabbing it. This can't be happening didn't he just tell me that I had nothing to worry about. I shake my head. There's got to be a reasonable explanation.

I stand heading for the bathroom. It's steamy in there and I can't see much but I hear the water running. "Evan..." He peeks his head out oink but when his hand reaches for my hand I know it is. "Hey sunshine." I move the ring back and forth dropping it in his hand before stepping out of the bathroom. It's not long until he's stepping out in just no boxers. I wanted nothing more than to tell him how perfect he was but not now. He huffs standing in front of me. "Ri..." I stand. "Why did you take it off?"

He slides it over his finger. "Because I didn't want to lose it. This ring is special to me babe. I wouldn't sleep at night if I lost it." I swallow. "Are you sure that's it? That it has nothing to do with me?" He kisses me. Yes baby I'm sure." I take a breath nodding. "Okay." I let my fingertips touch his toned stomach. "You are mine and gosh your perfect." I say biting my lip. He hums. "Just like that you've moved on. Look Ri I'd love to have cute moments with you but if we don't leave soon I'm gonna be paying for another night." I move his hands to hook his fingers in my belt loops.

I tangle my fingers in his hair. "I owe you Even. For being so incredible today." He pulls me closer by tugging on my belt loops. "I'll let you pay babe just not here okay? Wouldn't you rather be were it's you and me with no distractions? Somewhere it's us for the whole nights and you can pay me as many times as you'd like?" I kiss him. "You won't get that much payment trust me." He whines. "You tease."

I smirk. "I learn from the best." We gather our things and he gets dressed before heading out of the room. He let's me get in the car as he turns in our key. I check my phone seeing it's only two and Ashe hasn't texted. He climbs in next to me locking his hand in mine. "Alright babe. Where to now?" I roll down my window. "Take me home." He smiles turning the key and backing out. I close my eyes and sigh letting the wind taking me over. Before I know it the wind stops and I'm home.

"I love how when I said home you took me to your apartment." He laughs. "I figured you meant here. Though I can take you back to your house if you would like?" I stop his hand that's reaching to start the car. "Why would I want that?" He leans over to me. "You tell me." I smile.

"It's much more simple at home." He frowns. "Is it not simple here?" I touch his face. "No I just try harder." He kisses me. "Baby girl you know what that you don't have to do that. You can just be you." I sigh. "I know but your my boyfriend. It's my job to be perfect." He pushes some hair from my face. "You already are." I roll my eyes. "Because I try Evan." He kisses me.

"Yes babe I want you to try just like I do but I want you to be happy as well. You don't have to look like your straight out of a movie. As long as your cute and safe. I couldn't care about anything else." I laugh. "Do you thinking I'm naturally this cute?" He pulls my lips to his humming softly. "You're cuter. I love when your hairs wet and you look real relaxed. I love when you don't try so hard. Can't you just be her? That girl that I sat and had lunch with. Or that girl that cried to me on the beach. You try so hard that I haven't seen her in some time." I frown running my fingers through the back of his hair.

"Evan I didn't know you liked me. We were friends. That's different." He sighs. "I love you. I'm gonna take you home and maybe you can take a break from trying so hard. Maybe then you'll realize what I'm saying." My throat tightens. "Evan..." He smiles but he's sad I can tell. "I'm not mad babe. I promise."

I frown and he starts the car backing out. I didn't want to go home. I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I shut my eyes feeling him touch my cheek. "She's beautiful." He whispers. I smile to myself but I'm still upset over this whole situation. It will be over soon. Hopefully...

Sorry guys. Here's an update. I hope you enjoy. 😘

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