Chapter 5

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I didn't know what to expect. Baekhyun had told me he had been in prison for two year, but he didn't know what for. Or maybe he only said that so he didn't have to tell me the real reason. I bit my lip as I drove to Baekhyun's house.

It seemed fair to question it right? He needed work and Baekhyun knew I was looking for a new employee for one of my book shops. I would be the only one to not reject him because of his history.

I stopped in front of Baekhyun's apartment and sighed deeply before jumping out of the car. Here we go.

I got the keys Baekhyun gave me out of my pocket and opened the door. I was greeted by my boyfriend jumping on top of me, making me almost fall. "Yoda!"

"I told you not to call me that," I whined. "But you never listen anyway."

"But Yoda is cute," he protested and let go off me.

"No, it's not." I pouted, but then pressed a kiss on his lips before he took my hand and dragged me inside the living room. "Chanyeol, this is Kyungsoo."

A small guy stood up from the couch and offered me his hand. I shook it and noticed he had white bandage on his knuckles. "Accident?" I asked.

He only nodded and sat back down.

"Let's just start, shall we?" I suggested and took a seat. "I just wanna know some things."

He nodded again.

"Did you work before you went to prison?" I watched how Baekhyun sat down next to me, a nervous expression on his face.

"No." Why was this Kyungsoo guy giving me such short answers? I sighed before continuing.

"Do you like books?"

"I do," he looked away from me and started playing with the bandage. "I like to read."
He said it in a way to make you think the words he had said meant something more, but I couldn't figure out what it could be.

"Okay then, what crime did you commit?" I needed to ask him.

The whole room went silence and Kyungsoo just stared at me. His face emotionless and eyes dark. Just as I thought he would keep ignoring my question, he spoke. "Something bad."

"Did it involve dead?" I looked him straight into his eyes as a small smirk formed on his lips.

"It did."

Damn, this guy gave me the creeps. "Did you kill someone?" My curiosity took over as I shifted to the edge of the couch.

He looked away for a second before staring back at me again, "maybe."

I sighed.

"Do you really need to know all this?" Baekhyun asked insecure. "I mean... I don't know."

"I know enough." I knew I didn't trusted this guy and I didn't want him to be in my company. But Baekhyun almost begged me to take him in and I was a sucker for him. "Just be there at eight tomorrow. I'll explain you everything."


"Really?" Baekhyun asked excited. "Which store?"

"The one where Jongin and Jongdae work." Chanyeol clarified himself. "I'll show you around." This was meant for me.

"Thank you," I nodded and stood up. I knew Chanyeol already didn't like me and who could blame him?  Considering my past and moreover, I wasn't the most outgoing guy. I'd rather keep things to myself than tell someone.

I saw it in Chanyeol's face. I scared him a bit, but I couldn't care less. I didn't even know the dude. It was all nice he made Baekie happy, but that didn't mean I had to care right?

I decided to leave them alone and walked upstairs, ignoring the questioning looks they gave me.

I opened the door of 'my' bedroom and walked inside. I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. A sigh escaped my mouth and I caught myself thinking about earlier today.

Kris face lingered in my mind. What did he want know? He already tore my life apart with everyone inside. What was there to get?

Whatever it is you want now, I'm willing to fight for it. You won't get it that easily this time.

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