Chapter 31

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I hated the fact that I had to go to work before I'd be able to visit my uncle. Where should I find the money? No job I could get would make me earn that much money and I should have it quickly. It made me feel helpless.

"What are you thinking off?"

I turned my head and saw Jongin was looking at me, eyes still half shut from the sleepiness. "What makes you think I was thinking?"

He rubbed his eyes and pushed himself in a sitting position. "You were staring into the distance, you always do that when something's on your mind."

"Do you know everything about me now?" I joked and ruffled his hair. He looked so cute when he had just woken up.
I bit my lip while lowering my hand to his cheek, then his neck and his chest.

"What's wrong?" He suddenly asked with a serious expression and took my hand away.

"Nothing," I answered surprised. "I've forgotten to ask how it went yesterday?" I tried to change the subject.

"Oh... It was alright." Jongin stretched his arms high over his head and groaned. "I'm still tired."

"I'll be a good wife and send you to bed early today," I said while suppressing a yawn.

He smiled at me before crawling out of bed, "shall I make breakfast? You can take a shower if you want to."

I nodded, "can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," he opened the drawer of his closet and got out clean underwear. He looked at me and seemed to consider if he could change his clothes in front of me now or not. He chose to just do it, but turned away from me.

"What are those?" I asked pointing at the letters next to the map. I had been curious all this time, but wanted to accept his privacy.
I could see his body tense and quickly added, "you don't have to tell me."

"It's alright. They're from my dad. He used to work abroad and then send me a letter." He rubbed his elbow while looking at them.

I jumped out of bed and hugged him from behind, noticing he was getting emotional. "Do you wanna talk about him or not?"

He shook his head and sighed. "Go take a shower baby." He gently pushed my arms away and smiled at me, before heading downstairs with a pair of trousers and a sweater in his hands.

I kept standing in the same position for a few more minutes, letting everything sink in. Yesterday evening he seemed a bit troubled when we were making love. It made me think he hadn't told me everything that has happened in his life and of course, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. But I'm a curious type of guy. Maybe I should ask him or would that make him even more awkward?

We'll see.


"I'll buy us some drinks," I announced. "Can you keep an eye on Monggu?"

"Of course," Jongdae replied with a smile.
He was watching the shop for the time I would be gone since I didn't know where Kyungsoo was.

I headed out and walked with my hands in my pockets. The cafe wasn't far away, so I walked slowly. I looked up at the sky with my eyes closed, letting the sun shine on my face.

Suddenly my foot hit a small rock and I stumbled forward. A scream escaped my mouth as my hands tried to find something to break my fall with. I was ready to hit the ground as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I was pressed against that person's body and in a strong embrace.
I needed a minute to realise what had happened and slowly pulled away, standing on my own feet again.
I looked up at the taller male and noticed it was a familiar face.

"Are you okay?" Kris asked me with a smile, still holding me in his arms.

"I... Uhm... Yeah..." I stammered. He was so close I could smell his cologne. As I realised this I pushed him away, blushing lightly.

"Why are you acting so nervous?" He asked. "I'm just trying to help."

"I know, th... Thank you." I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm.

"What's your name?" He pulled me back again and turned me to face him.

"Jongin," I spoke softly.

"That's a beautiful name," Kris remarked with a smirk.

"Thanks," I avoided his gaze while biting my lip.

"Where were you going Jongin?" He asked in a sweet voice.

"I was getting coffee," I explained and looked up at him.

"I'll go with you," he suggested. "We can't have you fall again, can we? Especially with hot drinks."
He took my arm and pulled me with him, "how's Kyungsoo?"

"Good, I guess." I answered with my eyebrows furrowed. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Because Kyungsoo is Kyungsoo." He grinned at me and took a cigarette out of his pocket. "Is he getting more serious lately? Has he asked you to be his?"

"Actually, we are together." I couldn't help, but smile at my proud statement.

"Good for you." Kris dugged a lighter out of his jeans pocket and lit the cigarette. "So, he has told you about his past hm?"

"What do you mean?" I took a step to the right to create more distance between us, since he was smoking.

"Oh..." He looked at me with a frown. "Forget it. I don't want your handsome face to worry."

"Stop talking like that," I spoke softly. "Just tell me what you mean."

"Jongin." His tone was serious. "Kyungsoo isn't the most sweetest guy on earth."

"He told me that, but not why." I hung my head low. "I don't think he wants to tell me."

"He's dangerous, Jongin."

Why he too? First Xiumin telling me Kyungsoo has killed someone and now Kris telling me he's dangerous. What's wrong with them?

"Let's just get the coffees," I said rather annoyed and quickened my pace.

After we had bought two coffees and one tea I returned to the shop. Kris stopped me as we were just a few buildings away from the bookshop. "Can I have your number Jongin?"

"S... Sure." Before I realised it, the words had escaped my mouth. I couldn't say no anymore. He gave me his phone and I typed in my number.

He left before I entered the building and I was relieved to see Kyungsoo sitting on the chair I was usually sitting in.
He looked up and smiled brightly at me.

"I'm back," I announced. "I missed you when I left."

"I was just making a call," he said as I placed the tea in front of him.

"Finally!" Jongdae exclaimed and ran to me, grabbed a cup and ran back again.

"Okay," Kyungsoo chuckled at Jongdae's behavior as his eyes followed the energetic guy.

I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. His scent was much more nicer than Kris' and I buried my nose in his shirt. He smelled quite manly and I immediately felt safe.

"Everything alright?" Kyungsoo asked as he rubbed my back. We were standing in quite an awkward position because of our height difference, especially now Kyungsoo was the one sitting.
I hummed in response and he moved his hands under the hem of my sweater. His cold fingers send chills down my spine and I shivered under his touch.

It reminded me of yesterday's happening and therefore of my first time. It was a very bad memory and I tried to block it away with memories of Kyungsoo, but it kept aching. Maybe I should explain it to him. No. I'm too scared he will somehow be disgusted. It wasn't like it was my fault, right? But still.

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