Chapter 42

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I hadn't expected Xiumin still wanted to go through with the plan of me meeting his friend. But he showed up at Baekhyun's house the day we originally planned to go. God knows how he found out I was there.
I had locked myself up in the small guestroom after I knew about Jongin's farther, and had been laying on the bed to watch the white ceiling. Everything had fallen apart.

Since Baekhyun knew what I had done, not even everything I had done, he looked at me with different eyes. He let me stay, but I felt horrible.
While we had dinner Chanyeol had stared at us in confusion, but we hadn't answered his questions.

I didn't want to think about how Jongin must feel once his mother would explain him he had a relationship with the killer of his own father.
But I did think about it. The whole night.

Xiumin smiled at me, so I guessed he didn't know. "I asked Jongin to come, but he refused. Did something happen between you two?"

I shook my head because I didn't trust my voice. We were now in Xiumin's car, driving to who knows where.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he glanced at me. "You are quiet."

"I'm always quiet," I said softly. "Is it far?"

"No, we're almost there." He replied. "I hope this will help you."

"How did you know?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Know what?" He asked back.

"About the money?" The thought of my uncle leaving me made me realise once again how selfish I used to be, and still.

He shrugged, "he only told me to get you. I have no idea."

I looked out of the window again, trying to see where we were going, but it didn't look familiar. "I wonder who it is."

"Yeah," Xiumin chuckled. It sounded kind of nervous...? I furrowed my eyebrows. Weird.

"Oh look! We're here." He smiled and parked the car in front of a building. I got out and slammed the door shut. I made sure Xiumin walked in front of me as I checked if my gun was where it should be. I didn't trust anyone that wanted to help me.

Xiumin opened the door and I expected to see people in suits, but it was empty. I blinked in surprise. "Where is he?"

"Upstairs," he answered and leaded the way. We walked up the stairs and ended up in a long hallway. Xiumin walked further, "at the end."
I followed him and when he told me to go in I told him he should go first.
I expected him to protest, but he just walked in.

Once he turned his back to me I took out my gun and slowly took a few steps. I peeked inside and my heart started beating faster as I saw Kris standing at the other side of the room. "I knew it," I spoke as I pointed my gun at him. "You really thought I would just walk in?"

"No." He simply replied. "Where's that other guy?" He asked Xiumin.

"He didn't want to come," he answered.

"What do you want from me now?" I asked as I walked further into the room.

"I came to the conclusion that you're taking up too much time, Kyungsoo. I don't want to play anymore."

"No one told you to play." I glanced over my shoulder as a few men walked into the room and closed the door. I couldn't stop my hand from shaking.
I always thought that once I was going to die I would go down with pride. I never expected to grow old while living a good life. Back then there was nothing to live for.
Then Jongin came and I felt loved, but now everything was gone.
I thought I would accept my death, but no, I wasn't planning on going down without a fight.

Kris shrugged, "I liked it."

"You've ruined my life more than enough, but you don't have the right to end it."

There was silence for a minute before Kris started laughing and soon the other men joined him, except Xiumin.
"You're still stuck in that big ego of yours aren't you?" Kris chuckled. "Too bad."

At the same time someone shot the hand that was holding my gun Jongin bursted into the room. I cried out in pain and the gun slipped out of my grip and onto the ground.

Kris' eyes darted away from me and found the gun. Fuck.
He picked it up and immediately pointed it at me. "Don't move."

I held my bleeding hand in the other and sank down on my knees, "What are you gonna do?"

He stared at me for a moment before pointing it at Jongin. My blood ran cold. "No, not him!"

"Shhh," he hushed me with a grin. "It's alright."

Jongin looked at me from his position by the door. His eyes big and red, a sign he had been crying, a lot.
"What's this all about?" He asked with a shaking voice. I prayed that he would just run out of the door, but one of the men walked behind him and closed it, while he kept standing motionless.

"Yes, tell him Kyungsoo." Kris snickered. "What's this all about?"

I bit my lip and pressed my eyes closed. This was all a bad dream that I couldn't wake up from. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Jongin sounded not understanding.

"For being me."

"Boohoo," Kris rolled his eyes. "How sad."

"I don't understand," Jongin looked from me to Kris and finally kept his gaze on Xiumin. "What's happening?"

"This, sweetheart, is called revenge." Kris answered and stepped back from me.

"For what?" Jongin kept staring at Xiumin, who avoided his gaze.

"Your sweet boyfriend here has done some things, I heard you found out?" Kris looked at Jongin before focusing back on me again. His finger laid motionless on the trigger. "Once you're in, you can't go out."

"Xiumin?" Jongin's voice broke. "How could you do that to us?"

Did he mean me and him with us? I looked up at him, but he was still staring at his friend. "Jongin," I spoke softly.
He turned his face and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm sorry for everything. I was selfish to hold onto you. I understand if you never want to see me again.
I took someone out of your life and even though you didn't like your father, he's still a person. I think you should know that I regretted it from the very first moment. Not that it really helps, but still.
I really wanted to change and have a normal life, but I guess I failed."

"How sweet," Kris pretended to wipe a tear away. "Now it's time to give me what I want."

Everything after this went in slow motion. Jongin ran and fell on his knees in front of me, shielding my body with his as Kris pulled the trigger. There was no sound, but I felt Jongin becoming heavier in my arms. I didn't realize what had happened, since it was too chaotic.
Xiumin screamed Jongin's name and the reality of Jongin's weak body hit me hard.
Everything froze for some moments like it was a movie.
I turned him in my arms so I could see his face. "Jongin?" I asked breathless. "Say something."

"Kyungsoo," he whispered.

"Yes baby, I'm here." I ignored the tears that were now running down my cheeks. It was like my body knew what was happening, but my mind kept pushing it away. "I love you so much Jongin. I'm here."

"I..." He took a shivery breath. "I lo... L..."

"Shh it's okay. Don't talk now." I wiped some strands out of his beautiful face and accidentally wiped some blood from my hand on his skin. "It's gonna be okay."

My lip was trembling as I spoke. He didn't deserve this. None of this. And I wasn't sure if it was going to be okay.
"Please remember I love you Jongin. I always will."

I carefully kissed his cheek as he closed his eyes.

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