Chapter 32

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"I promise I'll pay you back," Kyungsoo almost begged on the other end of the phone. "Just give me some time."

"Yah you know I can't give you forever," I replied, making sure my voice sounded like I didn't care. It was half true though. I did care about Kyungsoo, but his uncle... No.

"I understand that," he almost whispered. "I'm not sure how, but I'll get it."

"Yeah, all talk. I want to see money Do." I stood up from the chair and started walking back and forth in front of the huge window. "If not..."

"Then what?" Kyungsoo asked. "You're gonna kill me?"

"No," I stopped to look outside. "But remember that it's your problem now. Not mine, not your uncle, yours."
I hung up and threw the phone on the small couch.

"What shall we do sir?"

I turned to face Suho, "if we don't have the money in a month, and I'm very nice here, it's bye bye to his dear uncle."

"I thought you said it's his problem," Tao said.

"Oh you have no idea how much his uncle means to him." I walked closer to them and I noticed Suho taking a step back. "This boy has done so much more than I did. You wanna know how he became an orphan?"

Tao nodded, so I continued. "One night he poured gasoline in front of his parents room and set it on fire. The whole house burned down. He killed them."

They were both looking at me in shock.

"Yeah you two losers have never done such a thing huh?" I laughed and sat down on my chair, spinning it around. "Now leave me alone, I got some things to do."


"Where are you going?" Jongin asked me as I was putting on my shoes.

"I'm going to visit my parents," I explained.

He eyed me with a confused expression. "But they are... Oh... Are you going to their grave?"

"No, they were not buried." I sighed deeply before asking, "do you wanna come?"

"You want me to?" He asked unsure. "I mean, I don't want to interrupt your private time."

"It would be nice not going alone for once." I smiled at him and he nodded.

We drove for quite a long time until we were out of town. I kept giving Jongin directions and finally we arrived at a field. The sun was already almost gone and it left us in some half darkness.

I got out and looked at the horizon that was now painted with beautiful colors. I started walking over the field and closed my eyes.

"Where are you going?" Jongin asked as I heard his footsteps coming closer. "Where are they?"

I turned my face to him and reached out my hand, "I'll show you."

Jongin hesitated for a moment, like he didn't trust me, which stung. He then took my hand and I led him over the swampy field. He almost slipped, but then found his balance again.
We arrived at the big tree that was standing lonely, but with proud, and I kneeled down, still holding Jongin's hand. "They're here."

"I don't understand baby." He said, but kneeled too, making his trousers dirty.

"I spread their ashes around this tree," I explained. "It was dear to them."

We kept silence for a while until I started talking again. "Mom, dad, here I am. I haven't been here for a while, but there's a reason. I have been gone for two years. I brought Jongin with me."

Jongin bowed his head at the tree to show his respect.

"I love him and I don't ever want to lose him." I swallowed the lump away and took a shivery breath.
Jongin was looking at me with pity and love in his eyes and I felt him tightening his grip on my hand.
"To be honest, he's too kind for me and cares for me too. Whenever I am hurt he immediately heals the pain with his love. I wish you were here to see him. You would be so proud of me to find someone like him. I'm sure you'd like him too."

I wiped away a tear that had escaped my eye. I didn't want Jongin to see me crying. "Do you remember Baekhyun? He has a boyfriend now and is happy. He deserves it."
I shivered from the sudden cold breeze and Jongin took off his jacket to cover my shoulders, which made me drop another tear. "I'm not sure I deserve them. I have hurt so many people, including you. It's all my fault." I closed my eyes in an attempt to make the tears stop flowing, but it was no use.

Jongin rubbed my back. I could see he was cold, since he gave me his jacket. No, I definitely didn't deserve him.

"I'm sorry for everything I put you through, I didn't mean to hurt you."
I lowered my head until it touched the ground. "I love you."
I stood up and so did Jongin.
"I'll come visit you again soon," I promised them.

I wanted to give Jongin his jacket back, but he refused. "I'm alright," he said.

We started to walk back over the field as suddenly Jongin's phone buzzed. I watched how he took it out to see who it was and then put it back in his pocket again. I decided not to ask about it and got inside the car. I took off the jacket and gave it to him. "Thank you for going with me."

"You're more than welcome Soo," he caressed my cheeks and kissed me softly. "You won't lose me."

I flashed him a small smile before looking out of the window. He didn't know anything.

The drive was silence and when I came home I immediately went upstairs. "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Wait." Jongin's quick footsteps followed me towards the bedroom. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Let's take one together."

I looked up to meet his eyes, but there was no lust in them, just love. I nodded slowly and realized I felt really tired and numb.
Jongin must have noticed my posture and helped me out of my clothes. As he stripped out of his own he turned on the water. When it was the right temperature he stepped in, pulling me with him.

I rested my head on his chest as he grabbed the shower gel and started to rub it on my body, while humming a song I didn't recognize. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the vibration of his voice. His long fingers moved tenderly over my body as the water washed me clean.
He didn't stop humming as he carefully lifted my head. His brown orbs peered at me from underneath his wet hair that sticked against his forehead. I stared back at him and slowly leaned in. I needed to feel his plump lips on mine. I needed Jongin. Just Jongin.

He cupped my face and connected our lips in a sweet kiss. My hands traveled to his back and scratched the skin softly. The water flowing over our bodies made it feel unreal. Like in those movies were they kiss in the rain. Only we were naked.
I chuckled at that thought and started to suck on Jongin's bottom lip. He groaned and gave me entrance, so I could explore his mouth.
I walked backwards until my back hit the wall. The cold of the stones send shivers to my spine. All I needed was this.

Why did people made this difficult?
Why did I make this difficult?

I am stupid. I need to stop doing things for Lay.
The only thing is that I need money.

Jongin pulled back, breathing heavily. "I love you Kyungsoo. I will always care for you and make sure you are doing well."

Those words made me almost cry again. I moved my hands to his neck and pulled him in a hug. "I love you too, Jongin."

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