Chapter 24

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In my dream I didn't know where I was. It was just darkness, nothing more. "Hello?" My voice echoed through the emptiness.

Suddenly a bright light blinded me, like a light switch it went on and I had to close my eyes.

"Good to see you Kyungsoo," a voice said. Kris.

I opened my eyes and saw we were in a room. Kris was standing behind a person that was sitting on a chair with a bag on its head. A lightbulb rocked back and forth, spreading the gloomy light at first on one half of the room and then the other.

"I wish I could say the same," I answered.

He walked around the motionless person while taking out a gun. "Your friend wished a lot too."
He pointed it at the bag and looked at me. "You wanna say something to him?"

"Who is it?" I asked as panick started to take over my body. "What have you done?"

"Come have a closer look," he beckoned me and I walked over to him.

Kris grabbed the bag and with one swift movement he pulled it off the person's head.
My stomach turned around by seeing the beaten up face. "Jongin." I said softly. "No, no, no, no."

I started walking backwards, but Kris stood behind me. "Look at him Kyungsoo, it's all your fault."
He pushed me back and I fell on my knees. "I'm sorry Jongin," I cried out. "I'm so sorry."

With a jerk I sat up straight in the bed, panting like I'd run half a marathon. I looked at my side and saw Jongin laying on his stomach, breathing slowly. He looked so peaceful it calmed me down a bit.

I took a deep breath and laid down again, facing Jongin. "I'm sorry." I whispered and licked my salty lips.

I know it for sure. Jongin is my weakness.


I woke up from Kyungsoo who was murmuring. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light. "Kyung?" My voice sounded husky. 

"What is it?" He lifted his head to look at me. His dark hair was messy and I thought it was adorable. I reached out and ran a hand through his locks. "Why are you so cute?" I asked, still feeling sleepy.

Kyungsoo snorted and dropped his face back into the pillow. "You idiot."

"Don't call me that," I pouted. "We have work don't we?"
I crawled over to his side and laid my head onto his back, facing the wall with the map. I started drawing an endless eight on the warm skin and sighed.

"Yes, we do." He answered. His voice vibrated through his whole body. "It tickles."

I stopped with what I was doing and placed my hand down, lower on his back. "Kyungsoo?"

"Hmm," he hummed.

"I like you."

When he didn't say anything I spoke again. "I want you to stay more nights."

"Are you sure?" He turned his body so my head was laying on his stomach.

I nodded and hesitated for a moment before pressing my lips against the skin just above his hip. "Don't you want to?" I rubbed my nose against him and sniffed in his scent.

"I do." He tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled softly. "Look at me."

I turned my head, but with my eyes closed. "I wanna stay here."

The sound of his chuckle filled my ears. "Don't do this to me."

"Do what?" I opened my eyes and looked at him. His head was resting against the headboard as he smiled at me. "Don't whine." He sat up straight, so I had to take my head off of him. "Nooo," I whined on purpose and pouted. "Now I'm sad."

He laughed and sat down on his hands and knees, hovering over me. From down here he looked so handsome as he looked down at me. I stared at him and forgot everything else. "You are so beautiful," I didn't realize I had said the words out loud and covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh..."

A warm smile appeared on his face as he leaned down, connecting our lips in a sweet kiss. "I'll make you breakfast, beautiful."
I pushed him gently off of me, feeling my cheeks heating up.

After we had eaten I drove us to the shop and we went to work.

It was a normal day for me, except the fact I woke up with someone beside of me.
The way he kissed me felt so good. It made me feel wanted and happy.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the bell that announced a new customer. Kyungsoo was in the back, so I had to help that person. "Good morning, sir. Can I help you?"

"Actually you can." The guy walked over towards the counter and leaned on it. "Does a Do Kyungsoo work here?"

"Depends," I replied a bit uneased. "Who am I talking to?"

"Excuse me. I didn't even introduce myself." He offered me his hand and I shook it. "My name's Kris Wu."

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