Chapter 37

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"Get in, you dickhead," I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him inside. Kyungsoo hissed in pain and closed his eyes.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked furiously, but not hard enough for Xiumin to hear it.

"I was with Lay and-"

"Who the fuck is Lay?" I cut him off. "Who's that dude?"

"A friend."

"Do you know how fucked up worried I was?!" I didn't care if Xiumin heared me anymore. "And you didn't even pick up the phone!"

"Jongin, I'm sorry. I thought you-"

"You thought what?" I asked, cutting him off again. "I don't know what you normally expect from people, but I'd appreciated a call or even a text saying where you are and that everything was fine!"

"I understand," he sighed and looked at his feet. "I'm sorry."

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and closed my eyes.
I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist and all the anger I had, left my body. The smaller male was hugging me tightly with his nose buried in my chest. "I'm so sorry Jongin, but I'll explain what happened."

"I... Uh... A friend of mine is here Soo." I said, thinking about Xiumin.

He looked up at me without letting me go, "why didn't you tell me he'd come?"

"I didn't know he was coming either." I explained. "He showed up yesterday."

"Oh." He frowned, but then rested his head on my chest again. "I'll tell you everything one day."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, but he only shook his head.
I decided to let it go, since I was too happy to see him. "Are you hungry or something?"

He shook his head again.

"What's this all about?" Xiumin's voice came from behind me and sounded confused. I turned around, revealing Kyungsoo, who still had his arms wrapped around me, and his eyes grew big. "K... Kyungsoo?"

"Should I know you?" Kyungsoo asked as he pulled away from me.

"Well... Y... Yeah. I'm Xiumin."

Kyungsoo tilted his head to the right, eyebrows furrowed. "I don't... Know. Sorry."

"Where do you know him from?" I asked Xiumin, very curious. "You never told me."

"When we were little we used to go to school together." Xiumin explained. "It's a while ago."

"Sorry," Kyungsoo said again. "Can't remember."

Something inside of me wanted to push his sketchbook under his nose and ask why he drew such creepy things, but I didn't. It wasn't the right time. I almost forgot how I told my mother I thought he was quite creepy. Looking down at him now, I couldn't imagine it anymore.
He was just so sweet.

"Let's go back to the kitchen," I suggested and they both nodded.

Kyungsoo made himself a cup of tea and sat down next to me. Once in a while he glanced at Xiumin and then back at the table.

"I feel like an intruder," Xiumin admitted. "Should I leave?"

At the same time I said 'no," Kyungsoo softly said 'yes.' But together it sounded like a whole different word.
"No," I repeated, glaring at Kyungsoo. "It's fine."

"I was thinking, since it's Sunday we could do something together. But I didn't know Kyungsoo lived here."

"You guys should go." Kyungsoo spoke, still looking down at his cup.

I don't know why, but it annoyed me. "We need to talk." I tried not to sound angry, but failed.

"I understand. I'll go walk with Monggu," Xiumin offered and stood on his feet. "See you later."

No one said anything until the front door was closed.

"Spill," I demanded without looking at him.

"I was with Lay and fell asleep. When I woke up I saw my phone died." He spoke.

"That doesn't explain why you didn't tell me you were going in the first place."

"I was just so curious why you acted strange that I followed you and then I felt a bit sick and Lay was closer by than the shop." He sighed and took a sip from his tea.

"You followed me?" I asked surprised.

"You acted strange." He looked at me and then down again. "Sorry."

So when I was walking to a cafe to meet Kris, he had followed me. It didn't look like he had seen me with him, but it did make me think of what Kris had said. Did he know more?
My eyes landed on the sketchbook that was still laying next to Xiumin's plate. "Soo?"
I reached for it and looked at him. "Why do you draw those things?"

"What things?" He snatched it away from me and held it close to his chest. "Those are my dreams."

"Your dreams?" I blinked at him in surprise. "But you drew me too."

He frowned. "Yes, you are my dream Jongin. A different dream."

I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned closer and kissed him softly. He immediately kissed back and cupped my face. Every emotion I felt were now mixed up with each other. Anger, worry, sadness and now happiness and relief.

"Jongin," Kyungsoo started. I hadn't realized he had pulled back. "I can't find my uncle anymore."

I looked at him, not sure what to say. I could see in his eyes that it was something more than just not finding a grown up. He was scared.
I ended up asking, "He isn't home?"

He shook his head. "He's gone."

"How do you mean he's gone?"

"He borrowed money from Lay, a lot." Kungsoo bit his lip and looked down. "He left me, just like I have left him."

"How did you leave him?" I asked not understanding.

"I... Jongin I went away. I just left him." He sighed deeply. "I was the one earning money, while he had no job and I left him."

"Why?" I kept insisting.

"I don't want to talk about it." He stood up. "Just go out with Xiumin."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked annoyed. "Why won't you tell me?"

"You haven't told me everything either and I'm not asking about it." He spat.

"Don't turn this around on me!" I stood up too. "I'm not hiding anything from you. If you'd ask me about it I'd tell you!"

"Then say it." He crossed his arms like a child. "What's up with you and your mother?"

"My mother hates me because someone killed my dad and she thinks it's my fault, because I should have been there with him that night, but ran off. She hates me even though her husband was horrible and beat me every day. He even... He..." I couldn't say it. I wanted to, but the lump in my throat wouldn't let me.

"Jongin, I'm sorry." Kyungsoo moved closer and hugged me. "I'm so sorry."

I hugged him back and tried to steady my breathing. "I hate him."

"I understand," he said softly and rubbed my back. "You have the right."

"He's still my father." I protested.

"Blood doesn't make you a father Jongin." He pulled back. "Go out with Xiumin. Have fun."

"Aren't you coming?"

"You two need time alone. I can ask Baekhyun if I can sleep in his house again." He suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not really liking the idea of him not in my house. At that moment Xiumin knocked on the door and Kyungsoo nodded. "Just go."

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