Chapter 12

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Before work I decided to visit my mother. I walked around my house to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything for Monggu that he would need during the day. I had asked Chanyeol yesterday if I could bring him with me and he said yes.
I ducked down underneath the table to reach for the ball that had rolled underneath it as my ringtone went off. It startled me and I shot up, hitting my head. "Ai!" I exclaimed while rubbing the sore spot. "Damn it!"

Where was my phone? I sighed in frustration and looked around. There. I quickly walked over to the coffee table and grabbed it, bumping a framed picture onto the ground in the process. "Shit!" I got on my knees and turned it so the picture was upwards. "Fuck." There was a big piece of glass missing and some smaller pieces on the ground. I traced the outline of my father's face, not caring about the cuts the glass made in my finger. It was the only happy moment we were able to capture in a photograph.

I sighed deeply before placing it on the table again and picking up the smaller pieces carefully, to throw them away. Then I remembered the phone call. I stood up and got my phone, checking the missed call. It was Xiumin. I dialed his number and held the phone close to my ear.


"Xiu, I'm sorry I didn't pick up," I apologized. "Something fell."

"It's fine." He assured me. "I was just wondering if you have time for your friend somewhere in these days."

"Of course I do," I slightly smiled at hearing his voice. "When?"

"Tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

"Sure, what do you wanna do?" I asked while picking up Monggu's ball again.

"Maybe grab some dinner, what do yo think?" He suggested.

"Sounds good." I sat down on the couch and tried to put my shoes on with one hand. "See you then."

"Bye Jonginnie," he chuckled. "Don't forget."

"Of course not," I said, rolling my eyes at the nickname. "Byebye."

I hung up and tucked the phone away in my pocket. I grabbed my jacket and called for Monggu. He was already listening to his new name.

The drive to my mother's house was somehow tensed, even though there wasn't a reason for it. I took a deep breath and turned on the radio to distract my thoughts.
As soon as I got there I jumped out of the car and took Monggu out, holding him close to my chest. I got the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. "Hello mom!"

"Jongin." She appeared in the hallway that leaded to the living room, eyeing the newcomer. "Since when do you have a dog?"

"Actually, since yesterday," I laughed while kicking my shoes off. "His name is Monggu, isn't he the cutest?"

"He's cute," she agreed, but with an expression that said something else. "You want tea?"

"Yes, thank you." I followed her to the kitchen and placed Monggu on the ground. "I'll do it."

"No," she slapped my hand away. "I can do it myself."

"Okay then," I bit my lip and turned away from her. "I'll wait in the living room okay?"

She didn't answer me, so I took that as a yes and walked away. I sat down on the couch and picked Monggu up so he could sit on my lap. He immediately made himself comfortable and closed his eyes.
After a few minutes mom returned with a tray in her hands. She placed it on the table and sat down in the chair. "So, where did you buy that dog?"

"I didn't buy him. Someone gave it to me." I explained while patting his head. "I was together with Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo in town and this dog came to us and the owner told me I could have him."

"Oh," she picked up a cup and took a sip from the hot liquid. "I thought you didn't like Kyungsoo."

I looked up at her in surprise. "I told you he's a bit creepy, but I think if you get to know him, he's quite friendly. In a way."

"I see." She smirked at me before taking another sip. "Is he handsome?"

"What? Well, I guess so... Why are you looking at me like that?!" I asked with big eyes.

She laughed, "I know you well Jongin."

I tilted my head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"You'll find out."

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