Chapter 19

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"Gosh I look horrible," I groaned. My fingers carefully touched the blue and purple skin around my eye and traced the cut that covered my cheek. It had become dark red and uneven. I hoped it would disappear and not become a scar, but I was probably wrong.
I sighed deeply before looking down at my bare chest. Dark stripes were visible on my white skin and a big bruise above my hip.
It all brought me back to the days this was normal. My whole body had old scars that refused to go away. But I already hated the one on my cheek. Everyone would be able to see it.

There was knocking on the door and then Chanyeol's voice, "are you gonna take long? I really need to pee!"

I chuckled while grabbing my shirt and headed out, letting the impatient giant into the room. "It's all yours."

"Thanks!" He said before slamming the door in my face.

I walked over to Baekhyun's bedroom and peeked inside. He was laying on top of the bed in his boxers, scrolling through his phone. He looked up when he noticed my presence, "oh, hey."

"Hey, I just wanted to say good night." I was about to close the door again when he said, "was it nice with Jongin?"

"Euhm... Yeah," I was unsure how to reply to his question, everything in my head sounded stupid right now. "We had fun."

"Good," he said, smiling at me. "Sleep well."

I nodded and left the door ajar because Chanyeol came walking through the hallway.

That night, I couldn't fall asleep until three in the morning and of course I had a nightmare again.

I was standing in an empty alley. Everything was dark around me. I was holding something heavy in my hands and my arms seemed to move on its own. I lifted it up to the sky and slammed it down onto the darkness at my feet. Again, gain and again.

Suddenly my head was filled with a voice, screaming in fear. It wasn't from pain, the voice wasn't hurt. It was scared.

"Please," it begged. "Please stop."

I couldn't stop.

"Don't do this!"

There was a hand on my shoulder and I immediately dropped the thing on the ground. "It's over."

It was Kris.

"What did you do?" Another voice asked me.

I turned around, but everything was still dark. I knew that voice. "I... I'm sorry Jongin."

"You are a monster."

Tears started to slide down my cheeks as I desperately searched for the person from the voice. "I didn't want to do it!"

"It's too late Kyungsoo. Too late."

A buzzing sound echoed through the darkness and suddenly I sat up straight in bed.

I was panting heavily as I closed my eyes again. "Fuck."
It took me a moment to realize my phone was the source of the buzzing sound and I rubbed my eyes to see more clearly. I grabbed it from the nightstand and glanced at the bright screen.

Unknown number: Do you want a lift? ~Jongin

I lazily smiled at the text and replied with a 'yes please,' before jumping out of the bed. I wondered how he got my number, but decided to let it go.
I walked to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes to take a shower. The slightly too hot water made me relax and forget the dream.

By the time I was dressed and downstairs, Baekhyun was sitting at the kitchen table. "Shouldn't you be gone already?"

"I'm not gonna walk today," I answered and stole the slice of bread from his plate.
He watched how his breakfast disappeared in my mouth and pursed his lips. "Why not?"

"A lift," I replied with a mouth full. "Wonfin."

"Who?" He asked and pulled a face. "What the hell was that?"

I swallowed before answering this time, "Jongin."

His lips curled into a smirk and he playfully raised his eyebrows. "So he does listen."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Wait..."

Baekhyun chuckled and took a sip from his tea.

"You gave him my number?"

"Someone had to do it," he replied with a shrug. "Don't look at me like that, thank me instead."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hide the smile that was plastered on my face.

"Jongin's here," Chanyeol announced as he walked in. "I guess it's for you."

I almost ran to the hall to put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket, not bothering to put it on. "Bye!"

"Bye," they both replied, but I had already pulled the outside door close behind me.
Jongin was waiting in his car, looking down at something in his hands.
My heart was beating really fast and I realised I was acting like a teenager in love. The only thing I didn't do was giggle. Well, not yet.

I opened the door of the passenger's side which startled him. "Oh, Kyungsoo."

"Yeah, who else did you expect?" I chuckled.

"No one," he replied a bit embarrassed. He laid the book he had been reading on the backseat and smiled shortly at me before handing me a cup. It looked like the one he had given me that time in the bookshop, but this time it didn't smell like coffee. "What is it?"

"Tea." He looked away and started the engine. "I thought you maybe liked it better."

I was about to take a sip, but then remembered something. "Did Baek tell you this?"

"What?" He asked and I noticed his cheeks started to heat up. "No."

I raised my eyebrows and he saw it from the corner of his eyes. "Okay! Yes, yes he told me."

I started laughing at his behavior, "what else?"

"N... Nothing." He bit his lip and tried to concentrate on the road. "Stop talking about it."

"Alright." I took a gulp from the still hot liquid. "Would you go out with me?"

"Huh?" He asked as his eyes grew bigger. "Out? Like as a date?"

"Yeah, why not?" I took another swig. "Good tea by the way."

"Don't play me Kyungsoo," he glanced at me for a moment before turning back again.

"I mean it, it's good tea."

He hit my leg, "you are such a jerk."

"Ai!" I exclaimed while rubbing the sore spot. "I'll take you out for dinner okay?"


"Am I not a jerk anymore?" I asked, sipping from the tea.

"You're still a jerk, but that's alright." Jongin glared at me again. "As long as you do take me out."

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