~Chapter 10~

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(Sam's POV)

'Noah, Noah wake up, Noah' I scream into his head that is lying on the cold tiled floor at the bottom of the stairs. Blank, nothing, no thoughts back to me, can this get any worse? I know I shouldn't be helping him but he is my mate and I have to know that he is ok.

"Whoa, what happened in here? OMG what happened to Noah?" ok I really had to ask didn't I? She just had to walk in right now, stupid ditzy blonde Katie French, she rushes over to me and pushes me aside while Kayla stands back with tears in her eyes, "I've got it now Samantha, you can leave. I storm out of the room to get away from her, she can't tell me what to do, his my mate I hate her so much I just want her to die and Noah's smell is all over her, it's so over powering that it makes me want to puke. I walk into the bathroom and lock the door with my nose so I can shift and get dressed.

"It's like she sprays herself with his cologne" I say to myself, "wouldn't surprise me if she actually did" I laugh half heartedly.

'Knock Knock'

"Ahhh, yeah I'm in here, hang on 1 minute" I say towards the door. I unlock the door and it swings open showing a very angry Katie.

"I do not spray myself in Noah's cologne" she spits at me.

"Well it sure as hell smells like it" I spit back at her.

"You're bloody well jealous that I can kiss him when I please and you can't" she starts to yell towards the end.

"Excuse me?" I screech, she did not just go there,

"He's your mate but I'm the one he loves" she laughs.

"Go shove it up your arse Katie, no one will ever love you!" and with that said I storm past a shocked Katie and towards the pack doctor and some pack members. When I entre the foyer everyone looks up. I'm guessing they heard my conversation with Katie.

"Are you ok Sammy?" I look over to the people sitting in the living room watching the pack doctor work over Noah.

"Ahhh, yeah I'm fine Shane" I say sadly "anyone seen Baylee round?" There's little no's and I thinks till big musclier arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards there chest. I sniff the air, "Baylee?"

"Looking for me babe" I turn in his arms so I'm facing him.

"We need to talk" I state,

"Ok, shot" he replies with a shrug,

"Privately" I tell him,

"Oh, ok then come on" he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the woods so that no one in the pack house can hear us talking. When we stop he turns to face me so I can tell him what I need to say. "Ok what is it Sammy?" he smiles at me and I can't help but smile back at him.

"Ahhh I'm not sure what to say first so I'll just go with this" I swallow the lump in my throat "You know how Noah is my mate?"

"Yeah...... What about it?"

"Well seeing him hurt and then what Katie was saying to me" he nods his head in a way to say 'go on' "Ummm...... Well....... Well"

"Spit it out Sam, What do you need to say?"

"It's just its really hard to know that someone other than me is kissing him and 'loving' him" he nods " and well I think I need to be with him even though I can't because of Katie" he lowers his head "I need to wait for the chance to be with him again" I give him a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I know that you like me....a lot....but I'm not your mate" I state.

"I know, it's just you act like my mate and I haven't found her yet so it's just nice to have you, ya know?" he says,

"Yeah I do" something ticks in my head "OMG maybe she hasn't hit eighteen yet" he looks up "you know you both have to be eighteen to mate right?" his eyes fill with hope.

"Oh Yeah, well is there anyone in the pack that's still seventeen?" I think for a second.

"Ummm... Yeah, Stephanie Landau, Kayla Jones, Katie French and Kelly Bonnet."

"Oh ok how many days or weeks or months till their birthdays?"

"Ummm... Steph's is in 11 months, Kelly's is in 7 months, Kayla's is in 2 weeks and Katie's is in 5 weeks, I'm pretty sure I'm right" I smile and he grins back.

"Awesome, hey what are you getting Kayla for her Birthday?" he asks changing the subject.

"I think I might get her a nice dress because I'm throwing a surprise party for her and then she can were it on the day!" I grin.

"Ahhh good idea, can you show me the dress when you get it cause I think I might get her a necklace and earrings to go with it!" he grins sheepishly.

"Yeah that will be great, we better get back to the house and check on Noah" he nods. When we step into the house we see Kayla talking to Shane so we walk up to them.

"Hey you two, what were you 'talking' bout in the woods?" she wiggles her eyebrows and Shane huffs and says "I don't want to know" and with that said he turns on his heel and walks off.

Poor Shane his like a brother to me but hot as well.

With sheepish grins that make me and Baylee look like idiots we say "nothing, well we broke up" Kayla's eyes widen "but were still friends" I state and she nods.

(Some randoms POV)

'So what's the plan' I hear someone ask into my head,

'She will attack on Saturday, is that understood?' I say back into the head that asked and into everyone else's.

They all nod their big heads.

'I will attack after it happens, Sam isn't gonna know what hit her!' I tell them then we all laugh evilly.


I'm sorry to the 'Sam & Baylee' fans but I'm sure you will forgive me soon for that one....I'm only asking but did anyone notice that Zach hasn't been hanging around even when his best mate is hurt??? Any ways don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FAN and DROP IN BOOK NAMES!!! <3 <3 <3

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