~Chapter 14~

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(Sam's POV)


'Yes I am thank you for doing that for me. Are you a new pack member? What's your name? And how did you know I am your Alpha?' I say to him confidently.

'Well my names' his cut off by another wolf...

"His name is Blaze" a chirpy voice rings out from a girl coming out from behind a tree. The wolf that is named Blaze grunts and walks to a tree, I am guessing to shift behind, I do the same but I go the opposite way to him. I walk out from behind the tree and stop mid-step staring at the 8 wolves talking in a small huddle, the chirpy girls head snaps to me and a huge smile spreads across her face. "There you are we were starting to think you had ran off" she says skipping towards me.

"I'm Riley, I'm Blazes mate, I'm 19 and I'm new in your pack, nice to meet you" she extends her hand and I shake it with a huge smile across her face she says "Oh what the hell" and pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"RILEY, YOU CANT GO HUGGING YOUR ALPHA LIKE THAT, GET OFF HER" Blaze bolts to her and pulls her away, "I'm so sorry Alpha Sam she just loves hugging people" his eyes are filled with sincerity,

"Oh I don't mind I'm not as mean as most Alphas are" I tell them,

"Yay I already know we will be the best of friends" Riley chirps skipping back over to me and lacing her arm around mine, I smile at her she's just like Kayla (except for her looks) her childish ways and the love of hugging people, Kayla is gonna love Riley I can see it now us shopping all the time, that's going to be great, really great. Pulling me out of my thoughts Riley squeaks "So these are the other new people in your pack. That's Jace and his 19" she points to the very tall and muscular boy with strawberry blond hair and light grey eyes, he smiles and waves at me when saying 'Hey'. "That's Lee and his 18" she then points to a small yet very muscular boy with brownie-black hair with dark green eyes, he looks at me softly while he waves and smiles. "And that's Nick his 21, the eldest of us all" she then points to the last boy standing in the line. He is really bulk and tall and has off coloured blonde hair that falls neatly into his golden eyes. "And the girls are" she turns to the girls that are all standing at a tree. "Hayley, she's 19 and she's Jace's mate" Riley nods toward the short girl standing on the left of the others she has Bleach blonde hair and blue eyes I think they are as blue as Noahs which is a rare thing to see, Hayley waves her very small hand and gives me a little side hug. Riley moves along the line, "This is Bella she is 18 and is Lees mate" Bella gives me a small shy smile and straight away I can sense she's nervous, she must be a shy little girl. She has brown hair like mine that is pulled into a messy bun with strands of hair falling out she also has lime green eyes that are hidden behind glasses. "And last but not least, is Jessica or Jess as she likes to be called she's 20 and is Nicks mate"

Jess waves and hugs me, when she pulls back she says "It's really nice to meet you and we are very thankful that you have let us into your pack" she pulls her black side fringe away from her deep sea blue eyes.

Riley turns me to face her and says to me, "Ok blaze is my mate and he is 20, I'm 19 and love hugging people" saying that she pulls me into a big hug that I return, she pulls back and looks me in the eyes with her hazel ones and says "We really are thankful Sam" she flicks her dark brown hair behind her and turns to Blaze who has been watching all this with his charcoal coloured hair falling into his black eyes. "Umm also we have another girl in our group her name is Carly and she is 19" Riley looks away and says "she hasn't yet found her mate and she's a bit of a flirt she lunges herself at the boys if you get my drift"

"So where is she?" I ask looking away from her to look trough the pack there pretty neat people I guess.

"Oh she stayed back with the Alpha male" she replies and my head snaps up to her. A she wolf that has not found her mate is with my mate that every, she wolf with no mate is attracted too, crap!


So what do you think of the new wolves in the pack? Do you think they are bad or good? Who's your favourite character so far? What do you think is going to happen in the next 5 to 10 chapters? And what do you think Noah and Carly are doing???

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Thanks <3 <3 <3

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