Chapter 38 - Epilogue

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Chapter 38 – Epilogue

(Melody’s POV)

As we round the corner to the toilet blocks (that i will hunt me forever) i cant help but scream out “DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!” he turns and gives me an apologetic look, “DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT GET THEM OFF OF HIM” he turns around and says in his alpha tone,

“BOYS, GET OFF” as soon as it is said they jump of him and move away,

“Get up you dirty piece of-” My dad begins but my mum cuts him off,


“Oh right, you dirty piece of...” he stops trying to think of a word,

“Scum” Tris growls,

“No, but that is good” dad answers,

“Crap” Liam snarls,

“Yeah that will do” dad kicks Lachie in the stomach, “Now you listen and you listen good dont you ever dare look or even talk to my daughter again, understand?” Lachie looks up from the ground,

“Yes Alpha”

“Good” and with that dad stands up straight and walks over to me putting his arms around my shoulders and giving me a big wolf (bear) hug “are you ok sweetie?” he asks,

“Yes dad im fine” he lets go of me and moves to my mum, who is now behind me, and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her to him and nestling his face into her neck, obviously breathing in her scent to calm himself down.

“Mum can Lily and Liam stay over tonight?” Tristan asks beside me, she nods and continues to calm down my father.

(At home)

I have just entered my room and i am now lying on my bed looking at my phone, i sigh, no one loves me enough to give me a call or even a text,

 “Mel?” i sit up,


“Can i come in?” he asks,

“Sure” he closes the door and starts to walk in, he sits down on the bed next to me,

“I was just going to ask you a question” he says,

“Ok what is it?”

“Do you like me?”

“Oh coarse i do you are one of my not so many friends” he laughs,

“That was a good one, high five” he holds out his hand, but its not at all a high five it is a low five, idiot, i decide to voice my thought,

“Ya know that this is a low five right not a high five” he looks down at his hand,

“Smarty pants” i giggle,

“At least i am smart” he chuckles but then puts on a mock hurt look,

“That cut me deep ya know” i smirk,

“Oh really”

“No but ill tell you that you have some really good come backs” he examines his nails and says “you totally learnt it from the pro” he puts his nails to his chest and rubs pulling them away and looking at them again, i laugh causing me to fall off the bed and landing with a hard ‘THUD’ (ouch my wrist hurts, “Oh my god Mel are you ok?” i feel a tear dropping from my eye,

“NO, my eyes are just peeing” i say sarcastically cradling my wrist with my other hand and holding it to my chest,

“Im sorry, i didn’t mean to make you fall off the bed, here let me help you up” he puts a hand under my knees and one behind my back, picking me up bridal style and placing my on my bed with my head on the pillows.

“Thank you” i tell him nicely and he smiles,

“ill go and get a bandage” he bends down and kisses my forehead “ill be back in a minute Mel” im glad he stands up and doesn’t look at me again because im pretty sure i have the most reddest face in the entire universe,

“Ok Liam” i say to him, and he gives me a wave over his shoulder.

(Liam’s POV)

“Thank you” she tells me nicely and i smile,

“ill go and get a bandage” i tell her as i bend down and kiss her forehead “ill be back in a minute Mel” i stand up straight only just getting a glimpse of the beautiful blush that comes to her face,

“Ok Liam” she says to me as i walk away, i give her a wave over my shoulder and step out of her room. Finally i can think clearly, i just hope that she didnt see me staring at her that whole time, i just cant help it she is so beautiful in so many was i just want to lock her in that room with me and have my ways with her, but i cant im not that kind of guy and besides i turn 16 soon and that means every girl i meet will pretty much though themself at me, i don’t want to hurt her in any way.


Ok so now you should have a pretty good understanding of what Liam is thinking, i hope you do anyway.

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