~Chapter 18~

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(Sam’s POV)

“Oh hey Sammy, how have ya been?” My jaw drops. What is she doing here?

“What are you doing here, Alice?” My voice is coated in curiosity and shock, “And in my brothers shirt too?” I scan the top she’s wearing. Hey! I gave him that shirt for Christmas last year!

“Oh um, I... and...Him..." she stutters, "would you like to come in, Sam? It must be hot out” she changes the subject and reaches up to feel my fore head.

“Yes, I would and don’t think I’ll let this conversation,” I point between us “go” she scowls at me in frustration, then grabs my hand and pulls me into Zach’s living room.

The whole room is painted black; it has big black leather sofas scattered around and a projected TV screen that covers the whole front wall, it’s his 'Home Cinema', as he calls it.

“Have a seat. I’ll go get your brother” Alice says shyly and walks out of the room. What is wrong with her? And is it just me or does it seem like she's been staying here? A thought tugs in the back of my head but I push it away, it’s probably just Noah trying to get me back through our mind link.

Zach and Alice enter the room. Hand in hand. Straight away I zero in on their hands. What are they not telling me?

“Uh-hey, Sammy. How've ya been?” Zach asks sitting down beside me on the leather sofa. Me, still with my eyes on their hands, snap out of it and look at my brother with a blank expression. Cool and Calm, Samantha.

“Uh-I’ve,” my voice cracks at the thoughts that rip through my head like a Cyclone. I clear it away with a shake of my head and clear my throat to continue, “I’ve been really, how do I put this? Crappy, actually”

Zach’s face falls before he speaks again. “What’s wrong?”

“Well. Um," I choose to divert away from my issues for a moment, hopefully to recompose myself befire I tell them both that I'm leaving. "That's not important right now," I say, "care to explain to me why Alice is here? Why she’s wearing your top? And why you’re holding hands?” I cross my arms over my chest and look between the two that are now squirming uncomfortably in their closely situated seats.

“Ah. Um. Well. We- I. Have, uh, been meaning to tell you,” Zach keeps stuttering then looks at Alice for help, she nods her head in encouragement. Zach sits up straight and says in his confident Beta voice, “Sam. Alice is my mate”

A small gasp emits from my parted lips. “Really?! OMG, CONGRATS GUYS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!” I pull them both into a bone crushing hug.

We pull away. “We didn't know how you would take it” Zach states seeming rather embaressed.

“Oh” my smile faulters as my mind flicks to what I came here for and I frown slightly.

“Are you alright?” Zach asks worriedly, touching a hand to my knee.

“No” I answer flatly,

“Sammy, what is it?” He asks moving closer towards me to hold my tangled hands. His face a mask of complete worry and brotherly protection.

So that's when I tell them what happened from the very start. Me finding Noah as my mate. To him kissing Katie and rejecting me. From Baylee and I dating and breaking up. To Noah and me. To the ring and then finding him in bed kissing another girl, again. Me giving back the ring, and finally, me packing to leave. With the added measure of now having found out my bother has his own mate, which has mixed in some happiness with the worst possible situations.

All they can do is sit there. Looking at me like I’m a lost puppy. Which honestly, is the truth. I have no idea where I belong. What am I supposed to do when the one person who is meant to love me like no one else can, rejects me? Where do I go? I have to leave or the shame of worthlessness will consume me. In the end the pain of rejection will hurt so much that I can no longer continue. Have you ever heard of an elderly wolf without their mate? No, neither had I.

“Oh my gosh, Sam. I’m so sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. Come here” Zach says pulling me into his arms for a hug. That’s where I lose it. I can’t hold it in anymore. All the pain floods through me and the tears stream down my face like uncontrollable rivers. They create dam sized tear stains on Zach’s blue shirt. Blue looks good on his tanned skin I haven’t seen him in blue since- Oh.

Zach hates blue. That’s the colour he loved most when we were younger. It was the colour he told our Mum to wear because that was what she looked most beautiful in. That's the colour Mum wore when both our parents perished. It seemed to just stick with him that that colour wasn’t a good one.

I pull away to say something about it, my streaming tears and heaving breathes becoming small sniffles. “You're wearing blue” he looks down and I can tell his eyes glaze over with tears so I pull him back into my arms so I can comfort him like he did me.

I can hear his small sobs. I can also feel the shoulder of my shirt soaking from his tears. I shush him calmly, "Zach. I know you miss them but you’re a grown man now, man up man” he chuckles at that because their the words Dad said to him when we were little. Especially when Zach had fallen over and hurt his knee and was crying like a little girl.

“Sam, I miss them so much and now you're leaving. I’ll have no family left besides Alice. Please don’t go, don’t leave me here, what if I need your advise about what to wear on a date with Alice” he pulls away from me and wipes his eyes clean. When he looks at me his eyes are red and puffy. It makes him look like a little boy again. It almost makes me cry at how sad and cute he is. Okay it does make a few tears stream down my face.

When I look at the clock I sigh, it’s been an hour and twenty-five minutes since I told Steph to meet us in the clearing. I have to go.

“I have to go, Zach. I just have to go, I can't live with the shame of not being worthy of my mate. I have to leave. Come and say good-bye to me and everyone leaving with me outside, please” I beg standing up from the seat.

Zach stands too whilst saying “of course I will” he turns to Alice and asks, “coming beautiful” Alice smiles and stands up too, grabbing his hand. They are perfect couple. I wish that Noah and I were like that. That he loved me like he's meant too. That his passionate intentions were only about me.

“Of course, I’ll come and say good-bye to one of my best friends” she smiles at me and we walk to the front door.

Outside, everyone is waiting except for Kayla, we all know where she is though.

“Finally Sammy has decided to join us!” Shane jokes jogging up to fist bump Zach and hug me and Alice.

Kayla walks out of the pack house with her bag gripped in her hand tightly, almost dragging on the ground. That’s not the only thing near touching the ground, it looks like her lip is too. “Kay, what’s wrong?” Baylee asks running up to her to see if she’s okay. You know what? They would be perfect for each other. Seems like everyone but me has a perfect match.

“Noah is so-" she faulters. "Sad. About me leaving and he's broken up about Sam. Then I walk in and say I’m leaving too and he breaks down into a huge crying fit” she whimpers at the memory. Everyone is silent until someone coughs.

“Well, let’s get going then,” Riley chirps, “have we all said our good-bye’s?” Everyone nods solomely.

I hug Zach one last time and whisper in his ear so only he can hear it. “Look after Alice. Don’t let her go. Don’t be like Noah and do those things to hurt her, okay?” I feel him nod so I move onto Alice and give her a hug. I say to her, “look after Zach for me and, by the way, where are the triplets I haven’t seen them anywhere for ages?” She replies in the same whispered voice, “they’re gone they found mates in a different packs so they left, didn’t they come and say good-bye to you?”

I say to her, “no, those little morons, gosh” Alice chuckles without humor and I pull away with a small, sad smile.

“Good-bye to everyone who isn’t coming with us” I glance around at the forming crowd and they all wave.

As I glance one more time, I spot something- someone- in the window of the pack house, not trying to hide himself from sight. ‘Good-bye Noah’ I hiss into his head.


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