Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

(Sam’s POV)

(Warning violence and gore)

I cant just stand here and do nothing i have to go and help. I run downstairs and stand at the window right next to the door. Noah is fighting with another wolf i can see that his another alpha because his as big as Noah and is fighting really well.

As im watching Noah fight i hear something behind me. I whirl around hearing the tiny sobs with my heightened wolf hearing. I jog to the cupboard that is located just down the end of the hallway and swing it open.

Sitting in a little ball at the bottom of the cupboard is a small child when the door opens her his eyes flash up to met mine then once again falls into his hands “pwease don’t hurt mwe” he sobs into his hands,

“Shhh im not going to hurt you little guy, do you belong to Noahs pack?” he looks up at my though blood shot puffy eyes and nods “ok well im your alpha female...soon to be Luna” i mumble the last part so he wont hear it. I don’t want to have to explain to a kid how you become Luna ill scare his ears for life... “Come on now what are you doing in the cupboard”,

“My mummy diwed when she was having mwe and i just sawed my daddy being kwilled outswide” a sad look comes to his cute little face and then little tears start to roll down his cheeks,

“Come here...whats your name manny?” i ask pulling him into my arms and cradling him like his a baby,

“Tristan Mints madam” he mumbles squishing himself into my arms to get comfy,
“Well Tristan i don’t wont to hear you calling me madam ever again, ok?” he nods lightly then yawns,

“Whats wur nawme miss?” he mumbles sleepily,

“My name is Samantha Smith, but you can call me Sam or Sammy” he doesn’t reply but when i look down at him his still awake,

“Thwats a pwetty nawme Sammy” he states but its more of a slur as he starts to fall asleep,

“Have a nice sleep Tristan and ill see you when you wake” i whisper to him as i walk slowly towards Noah and my bedroom.

Once i lay him down im at the window in an instant Noah is still fighting the other alpha and there both losing a lot of blood,

‘Come on baby you can do it, sick him’ i tell Noah,

i hear a yelp from somewhere other than at Noah and i look to where it came from...Baylee. i run out of the room i have to help him if he dies Kayla will more than likely die as well i cant have her die she’s my best friend. I just hope that Tristan doesn’t wake up before i get back.

I jump off the porch with two feet and land on the ground with four paws. Bolting straight for the wolf that is attacking Baylee’s left flank, I jump on its back and bite into the back of his neck pulling out a large chunk of flesh when i pull it away from his body, blood spurts from him and he falls to the ground.

With my blood covered white furred paws and face i run towards the alpha that is trying to sink his teeth into my mate, i sink to the ground and bite his stomach, hard, which makes him cry out in pain as he is howling Noah gets a good grab on his throat and pulls the chunk that will end this alpha for good, as i am getting up from the ground something knocks into my side sending me flying to the other side of the field...i hit a tree sending that to fall to the ground and me to have a bad cut on my back, still laying on the ground a shadow falls upon my face ‘how dare you kill my father, i am going to end your life as you did his’ bracing myself for the impact of his teeth in my neck...nothing...i jump to my paws looking around me i see Carly finishing him off though she has deep teeth wounds on both her flanks.

I run over to her ‘Carly go into the trees and don’t make a sound, you will heal in a few hours ok’ she nods and i help her get up and walk into the cover of the trees.

As i start to walk away she calls me ‘ sorry and thank you’ those five words stop me in my tracks,

‘No need if it weren’t for you i wouldn’t have my mate with me and you wouldn’t have yours’,

I run away from her and back into the battle i spot Noah killing a wolf then moving on to another one as quickly as possible and then finishing that one off as well...he really is a good fighter...and dam he is hot when he fights... pain shots up my right flank and i howl out in pain as im falling to the ground a light coloured wolf comes running at my throat...
I hope you don’t mind the blood and violence that has become my book. Thanks for reading <3

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