~Chapter 16~

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(Sam’s POV)

I run down stairs and out the front door this feels a lot like déjà vu except this time I’m never turning back, I’m never going to come back to Noah again. Also a lot like déjà vu I hear footfalls racing towards me. Seen as though I’m not in my wolf form I’m not as fast, so a huge dark chocolate wolf can easily catch up to me. A wolf I never ever, ever in my whole life want to see again fall’s to the ground in front of me I huff and walk off behind a tree I’m near. Changing into the white wolf I am, I pick up my clothes in my mouth and bolt away from Noah.

Stupid boy I hate him so much I mean five days ago he made a promise to me that he will never hurt me again and look what happens now the night of our first date. I’m so deep in thought that I don’t see a milk chocolate and grey and white wolves standing in front of me until I smash into them, HARD. I fall to the ground my head hurting.

‘Sammy, are you alright? Where were you running to so late in the day?’ the milk chocolate wolf asks me

I sigh in relief as I notice it’s only Shane (Milk Choc. Wolf) and Baylee (Grey and White wolf) but I stop that sigh half way when I hear those awful footfalls of Noah coming up behind me again.

‘Yes I’m fine, I’m just trying to get away from this stupid wolf thing coming up behind me’ I tell them both in their heads.

‘Sam you ran off on me, where were you going?’ Noah asks me from behind, I shake my head and walk between Baylee and Shane, and they turn and walk at my flanks.

‘Go away you stupid hurtful wolf I never ever want to see you again do you hear me, NEVER!’ I scream the word ‘never’ and start running off still with Shane and Baylee at my flanks.

A dark grey wolf stops a few feet away from us and she looks murderously angry at us, ‘Sam you can’t leave the pack your my best friend’ Kayla yells at me then adds quietly ‘unless you take me with you’

‘And us to, I mean we don’t want a backstabbing Alpha like Noah’ Riley adds coming out from behind the tree with the other 7.

I gape at all the wolves around me, ‘you can’t come you just joined this pack’

‘Yeah and were just leaving as Riley said we don’t want a backstabbing Alpha’ Nick adds angrily,

‘Well I guess you all can come’ I say and everyone’s faces light up like city lights.

‘Hey we should head back and pack our things and I have to tell my brother I’m leaving too’ Kayla says and I nod,

 ‘Let’s go then guys’ Shane says from at my flank and I nod at that too.

Back at the house we all change back into our human forms to pack our bags. I start to walk out into the clearing towards the pack house and see Noah sitting on the porch steps with his head in his hands, stupid mutt, I hate his guts. I walk towards him ready to yell, I start to pull off the ring he gave me as well.

It’s a beautiful silver ring with a huge emerald stone (That matches my eyes) embedded into it, on each side of the emerald there are three little diamonds, and then on the bottom is my name (Sam) carved into the ring then filled in with white gold. (A/N I love the sound of this ring it would be so beautiful if I had it but it would cost a fortune).

He must have sensed me because his head snaps up to look at me, he has red puffy eyes and tear stains on his face from crying so much, “Sam you came back... I’m so sorry... I love you... thank you for not leaving me” he sinks to his knees in front of me and more tears form in his eyes as well as mine. I don’t want to leave but he cheated on me, if I hadn’t of walked in then who knows I could of walked in on them both naked and that would have to be a horrible sight I probably couldn’t get out of my head.

I shake my head and sigh angrily at him, I then step around him and walk up the porch steps that lead to the front door before I get to it though I turn around and speak, “no Noah I’m still leaving you and the pack, I don’t love you anymore” there is a very strong lie in that comment “you have broken my hurt one too many times and once is...” I shake my head again “it’s just sad to think you would do that to me, your mate, so here” I hold out the ring and pass it to him “this is not mine anymore Noah give it to that Carly girl or Maybe Katie I don’t really care, oh and don’t forget to get the name changed to” with all that said I turn away from the shocked Noah and walk to my room to pack.


Well, what did you think? I hope you enjoyed it don’t forget to tell me what you think I NEED to know really badly! Im getting so many votes and fans and comments, it’s really awesome, and I’ve got it in the watty awards this year but I’m never going to get enough votes or anything but thanks anyway! Goodnight/day everyone, Thanks xoxo

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