~Chapter 13~

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(Sam's POV)

5 days later...

"Babe I have to go and see this small pack that have asked to join our pack, so I might be a little late for our date today, is that ok?" Noah asks with hopefulness bubbling in his eyes.

"Of course it is, pack business is way more important than our date silly," I say whilst wagging my finger at him mockingly "Just don't take too long" I add quickly and quietly. He chuckles at me before ducking his head to peck my lips a few times.

"Go you will be late if you don't" I shoo him off towards the study with my hands. Once his gone I can finally think clearly, who wants to join the pack? Why do they want to join? When will they officially be moving in? Where will they be staying? How many are coming into the pack? Every question I ask myself links to another question and it sparks a feeling inside me that I'm scared of.

'Babe stop worrying your stressing me out ill fill you in when I'm finished ok, love you' Noah says in to my mind probably sensing my mood, silly boy I hate it when he butts into my head.

'Yeah yeah, continue with your little chat darling" I joke into his head whilst giggling furiously.


The wind blowing through my fur is a great feeling. It makes you feel like you're flying high in the sky and then the sun just adds to the effect well it would add to it if it was actually out today but noooo it has to be hidden behind the clouds doesn't it. I guess that's ok, I love running lightning speed through rain, I don't like the mud though, with my huge paws and my fast speed I splash it all over me which is not good cause now I have to wait till someone can hose me off or I could go for a swim in the lake out back of the 'pack mansion' but then it's hard to get the dirt out of my fur and I also like the hose off because it gives you a massage in the process. It's not raining yet but it will soon I bet.

'Well hello Sam, out for an evening run I see' I stop dead in my tracks,

'What are you doing here?' I ask,

'Oh well I was looking for you' the big grin across their wolves face falls to the ring on my right paw 'and where did you get those jewels Sam' she asks softly.

'Noah' I say quietly but bitterly,

'WHAT! He gave that to YOU and not ME'

'But I'm his rightful mate Katie'

'That ring should be mine.' She growls and before I can answer her she is lunging at me... I freeze in my spot. Before she lands on me something is jumping through the air from my right and hits her hard on her side knocking her away from the line to my throat, she yelps in surprise from the impact. Who just Knocked Katie away? It's not Noah, no, but it's a male wolf for sure I mean his big body would be as big as me and I'm alpha female, I'm huge as.....

'Are you ok Alpha Sam' he bows his head in respect. Oh he must be one of the new pack members. So Noah accepted their request to join the pack.

'Yes I am thank you for doing that for me. Are you a new pack member? What's your name? And how did you know I am your Alpha?' I say to him confidently.

'Well my names' his cut off by another wolf...

Well here is another chapter, I know its short (sorry) and I know I didn't tell you what the ring looks like but that's in a few chapters so sit tight for me. I'm not going to blab on today I'm too tired so my last words are...


Thanks <3 <3 <3

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