~Chapter 4~

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Passing tree by tree with great speeds, jumping over rivers as wide as 150ft, feeling the afternoon sun beat down on to my pure white fur. Not once slowing down, never losing my breath, but thinking wild thoughts on what I shall do in the next days of my life. I come to an abrupt stop thinking who the hell called my name when I shifted; it wasn't Noah, was it? Nahh Noah was too busy making out with Katie to know any better. I know for sure it was a guy's voice; maybe it was Zach or one of the pack boys like Shane, Royce or Baylee. I turn around when I hear I light pitapata of paws coming my way. I brace myself into a defence position only to have a chocolate brown wolf stop in front of me, I straight away know who it is so I fix my posture and nod at him knowingly. He steps behind a tree, and then I hear a whisper of someone shifting to human form. Shane appears from behind the tree with only ripped off faded blue jeans, his 8 pack on display, all the guys in our pack have incredible abs, and it's quite nice to see. He throws something my way but I'm too busy checking him out to notice what it is, it hits me right in the middle of my big wolf's face which breaks me out of my thoughts. When I look up at he's face his wearing a huge smirk, right then I knew he knew I was checking him out "You like what you see don't you?" he asks cockily. I roll my eyes and sigh at him he is such a dweeb. I look down and pick up the bag with my teeth knowing its clothes and walk behind a tree to shift and put on the clothes. "So how come you ran off and didn't stop for ages?" he asks softly,

"Ah..." I cough twice in an awkward manner, "Well to tell you the truth"

"And all of the truth" he butts in,

"My mate is Noah and he doesn't want me, his in love with Katie" I tell him sadly though he makes a loud grunting noise out of disgust,

"What? Are you joking, he hates Katie, ever since she did something to him, he has been repulsed by her"

"she cheated on him with Jason Landau, but still just before Katie and I got in a fight and then she cried on his shoulder and then kissed him but he kissed back and moaned and then they were up against a wall still making out with her so I ran away not wanting to think of my mate with someone else, gahhh I hate my life it's so stupid!" I scream the last bit out of pure anger and disbelief. He just stands there nodding his head.

"Ok come on lets race back, yeah?" he asks turning back into a wolf, I nod my head eagerly I love to race in wolf form, not having to worry about hitting things because you move with everything in the woods. I run behind the tree and put the clothes in the bag, ill just leave them there for someone to use later in life, I come back out from behind the tree.

'Ready, set, GO' I scream into Shanes head whilst I take off running away from the chuckling wolf.

(Noahs POV)

"Where's Samantha, Kayla" I inquire.

"Umm... I don't know," she replies rudely "she left when you were making out with Katie, I can't believe you did that to Sammy, I mean how dare you she actually thought you liked her and you go and do that in front of her, she was so happy that you had actually noticed her instead of just waving her off, your despicable and I can't believe you are my brother!" she growls really loudly making me flinch.

"I didn't do anything, Katie started kissing me" I yell back at her.

"You're so STUPID, you MOANED and pushed Katie into the WALL whilst making out with HER, didn't she cheat on you?" she screams then storms out the front door I'm guessing to go for a run to cool off. How did she know about what Katie did? I start to walk to the lounge room when something catches my eye bolting out of the forest then coming to a dead stop in the middle of the little clearing.

"Sam?" I whisper to myself seeing the brunette standing there looking like she is waiting for someone. Another person comes running out of the forest behind her....Shane I know that kid anywhere, he stops behind her and grabs her around the waist; she lets out a scream when they spin around in circles. He puts her down to look her in the eye, she looks at him lovingly.

"So are you going to be ok Sam?" She nods at his question then he gives her a huge bear hug, I growl really loudly knowing that another man is touching my mate, no one touches her but me.

Both their heads snap to were I'm standing in the door way, Shane steps away from Sam and says "see ya round Sammy" she gives him a wave and starts walking towards were I'm standing in the doorway, damn she is fuming, if looks could kill I'd be ashes right now, not even, I wouldn't be anywhere that stare could kill an army if it had to!


Thanks for reading tell me what you think of it so far....<3 <3 <3

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